
Sandra-Madeleine Wetzel



Universität Tübingen
SFB 1391 „Andere Ästhetik“
Keplerstr. 17
D-72074 Tübingen

Room 12
 +49 (0)7071 29-75108
sandra-madeleine.wetzelspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de


short CV


Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im SFB 1391 "Andere Ästhetik" an der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen


Abschluss des Masterstudiums an der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (English Literatures and Cultures)


Abschluss des Lehramtsstudiums an der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen und Universitat de Barcelona (Fächer: Englisch, Spanisch)


research project

Co-Creativity in Early Modern English Prefaces and Dedications

Prefaces and dedications are a platform for communication between two or more participants from the side of book production as well as from the reception side; they communicate in a number of ways about how they are involved in the creation of the book. Analysing this communication sheds light on the co-creative activity of which a book is the product and explores the social network of (implicit) participants who influence the book’s features and effects. The project focuses on the communication in early modern English prefaces and dedications with a view to the interactions between the various participants. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of such paratextual matter will sharpen our understanding of co-creative authorship in early modern English book production. 

research focuses

  • Early modern English prefaces and dedications
  • Early modern book production
  • Co-creativity
  • Authorship


Two very similar Dedications by Anne Cooke and Zachary Bogan, M.A./PhD Colloquium Bauer/Zirker, 26.06.2023.

Co-Kreativität in englischen Vorworten und Widmungen der frühen Neuzeit (Vorstellung Dissertationsprojekt und Teilnahme Summer Seminar), LMU-Princeton Summer Seminar: Challenging authorship. Hidden networks of the creative process, LMU München, 05.–07.06.2023.

[Zusammen mit Dr. Andie Silva (New York)] if oughte be erred in the translation, remember it is a womans: Female Print Agents in Early Modern English Prefaces and Dedications, Universität Tübingen, 22.05.2023. Weitere Informationen zur Veranstaltung finden sich auf der Seite des SFB 1391.

[Zusammen mit Bauer, M. / Rogalski, S. / Zirker, A.] Co-Creativity and Specialization, Workshop Co-Creative Specialists, Universität Tübingen, 08.07.2022.

Communication in Early Modern Paratexts, M.A./PhD Colloquium Bauer/Zirker, 13.05.2022.

Co-Creativity in Early Modern English Paratexts, M.A./PhD Colloquium Bauer/Zirker, WiSe 2020/21, 31.01.2022. (digital)


Exhibition in the University Library: Bauer, M. / Rogalski, S. / Wetzel, S. / Zirker, A.: Ausstellung zum Thema „Co-Kreativität in der englischen Literatur im Wandel der Zeiten: von Shakespeare zu Fanfiction“, Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen, Juni 2022. Zur digitalen Ausstellung.