
Book series RessourcenKulturen

RessourcenKulturen 28

Maximilian Felix Rönnberg, Pier-and-Rubble? ‘Phoenician’ Building Techniques in the First Millennium BCE Levant and the Mediterranean.
RessourcenKulturen 28.

ISBN Print:  978-3-947251-95-7
ISBN Online: 978-3-947251-96-4

Language: Englisch
Pages: 206


Ashlars and rubble masonry were often used side by side in Levantine buildings of the Iron Age. This book distinguishes various such techniques and focuses on the popular pier-and-rubble technique. It deals with its prerequisites, its possible predecessors as well as its various structural advantages and traces its spread from its emergence at the turn of the first millennium BCE to the latest evidence, dated to its very end. An analysis of the ashlar piers’ typology and other technical characteristics indicate that its use was not spread by specialised masons but possibly by word of mouth accompanying various forms of exchange. The technique’s diffusion to the Iberian Peninsula, but not to the central Mediterranean, confirms that it should not be taken as a ‘Phoenician’ cultural or even ethnic marker. The pier-and-rubble technique is at best distantly related to the central and west Mediterranean technique called a telaio, three variants of which may be differentiated. The origin of those can only partly be traced to the ‘Punic’ area and likewise they are inadequate as cultural or ethnic markers; rather than that, the study of such building techniques highlights multi-directional links across the Mediterranean beyond the movement of mere objects and thus adds to our picture of interregional exchange. The individual occurrences of the pier-and-rubble technique are compiled in the book’s richly illustrated catalogue.

RessourcenKulturen 27

Döbereiner Chala-Aldana, The Full Bronze Age in the Middle and Low Guadalquivir Valley. A Landscape of Resources. RessourcenKulturen 27.

ISBN Print:  978-3-947251-93-3
ISBN Online: 978-3-947251-94-0
Language: English
Pages: 328


Archaeology has everything to do with the past, but it also concerns the present. The way contemporary societies perceive the material world infl uences how archaeologists approach different phenomena identifi ed in the material record. This infl uence may lead to biases and restricted scientifi c fi elds oriented towards established paradigms and discourses, rather than questioning how such discourses and modes of thought developed.
This volume focuses on describing how archaeologists have perceived and presented the Bronze Age to the general public especially in the south of the Iberian Peninsula. The research makes use of the concepts of Subsistence Paradigm and Landscapes as Resources to propose alternative approaches for understanding mobility and interactions during the Bronze Age in the Middle and Low Guadalquivir Valley (Spain).
The goal is to move beyond traditional models that reproduce power relationships, predatory use of materials and violence, not only in the field of Archaeology but in society as a whole.


RessourcenKulturen 26

Keiko Kitagawa, Valentina Tumolo and Marta Díaz-Zorita Bonilla (eds.), Beyond Subsistence. Human-Nature Interactions. RessourcenKulturen 26.

ISBN Print:  978-3-947251-91-9
ISBN Online: 978-3-947251-92-6
Language: English
Pages: 174


Different perspectives aiming to understand the complex relationship of humans and resources were the main focus of the international workshop ‘Beyond Subsistence: Human-Nature Interactions’, which took place within the initiatives of the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 1070 ResourceCultures at the University of Tübingen. Cultural anthropologists and archaeologists came together to reflect on the meanings and values of different socio-cultural practices surrounding the interactions between humans and nature, which go beyond the pure subsistence needs. From the exploration of modern rice cultivation in India to the personal ornaments of Ice Age Germany, the case studies examined here provide insights on multiple aspects of the existence of humans, animals, plants and substances. By reflecting on behaviours and practices from modern and archaeological contexts, this edited volume offers a detailed report of the interdisciplinary discussions that occurred during the workshop and ultimately allow us to reflect on how we understand the multi-layered interactions among all types of social actors.


RessourcenKulturen 25

Yanti M. Hölzchen, Neue Moscheen braucht das Land. Religiöses Wissen ilim als Ressource in Nordost-Kirgistan. RessourcenKulturen 25 (Tübingen 2023).

ISBN Print:  978-3-947251-86-5
ISBN Online: 978-3-947251-87-2
Language: German
Pages: 306


The post-Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan is changing: new mosques are springing up across the country, people are participating in ritual Islamic prayers, and previously practiced traditions are changing. This book provides an ethnography, unique in its breadth, that explains these and other changes as part of a growing religious infrastructure. It is all about one resource: religious knowledge ilim.
It focuses on the institutions and actors that have been instrumental in the dissemination of religious knowledge since Kyrgyzstan's independence: Mosques, madrasas, religious foundations, imams, and the transnational movement Tablighi Jamaat. The author examines their institutional and social interconnections and how they influence, shape, and change the everyday lives of people in northeastern Kyrgyzstan. In the field of tension between normative-theological interpretation and everyday practice, it becomes clear how ilim becomes a moral resource for certain people in Northeast Kyrgyzstan, which in turn causes socio-cultural change.

RessourcenKulturen 24

Jonas Froehlich, Im Kreis des Elefanten. Burgen als Ressourcen des Niederadels auf der Schwäbischen Alb 1250–1400. RessourcenKulturen 24 (Tübingen 2023).

ISBN Print: 978-3-947251-84-1
ISBN Online: 978-3-947251-85-8
Language: German
Pages: 258


The castle and nobility of the Middle Ages are not only thought of together in historical research. For the lower nobility in particular, the disposal of castles was decisive for the social positioning of the respective noble dynasty. To sharpen this connection, the dissertation looks at both together and asks about the concrete significance of castles in the formation phase of the lower nobility between 1250 and 1400. The focus of the regional and interdisciplinary study is on noble families and their castles from the circle of the counts of Helfenstein in the region between Geislingen an der Steige and Blaubeuren in the Swabian Alb.The study examines aristocratic strategies of homemaking, of positioning oneself in the world.
The centre of this positioning was the castle.It appears as a spatial and social point of reference that was important in almost every area of aristocratic life: it was the hub and nucleus of (the exercise of) power, the centre of social group membership as well as the stage and medium of cultural participation. A castle thus means much more than just the building stock that may have survived to the present day, but the overall social and spatial phenomenon of a centre with many functions. Access to this multifunctional phenomenon 'castle' opened up diverse possibilities for action for the lower nobility and thus opportunities for positioning in all areas of noble affiliation. In this way, castles can be described as socio-cultural resources in the sense of the concept of the Collaborative Research Centre 1070 RESOURCECULTURES.

RessourcenKulturen 23

Baktygul Shabdan, Born Kyrgyz, Raised as Russians and Buried as Arabs. Negotiating Childhood and Personhood in Kyrgiystan. RessourcenKulturen 23 (Tübingen 2023).

ISBN Print: 978-3-947251-78-0
ISBN Online: 978-3-947251-79-7
Language: English
Pages: 194


This book introduces readers to an ethnography about children in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan and the values associated with their upbringing from local people’s own points of view. The author, who conducted her research in Kochkor, a village in northern Kyrgyzstan, approaches the topic of children and their childhood through the prism of ‘healthy growth’. In the local context, ideas about healthy growth of children are not limited to their physical, mental or emotional development; it also includes bringing up ‘culturally educated’ members of society with proper moral values, as well as the conduct of culturally determined health-related and life-cycle rituals. Discourses on the healthy development of children are presented through the voices of the people of Kochkor about Kyrgyz cultural practices, the increasing role of Islam, modernity and globalisation in Kyrgyzstan and how these dynamics have changed their perceptions of children and their childhoods. Therefore, this book can also be seen as an ethnographic study of the social changes in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan that are shaping and re-shaping the values, worldviews and daily practices of local people.

RessourcenKulturen 22

Raffaella Da Vela/Mariachiara Franceschini/Francesca Mazzilli (eds.), Networks as Resources for Ancient Communities. RessourcenKulturen 22 (Tübingen 2023).

ISBN Print: 978-3-947251-74-2
ISBN Online: 978-3-947251-75-9
Language: Englisch
Pages: 230


When and how did networking become a resource for ancient communities? Were these networks perceived by ancient societies and actors as a means to perform and assert social, personal and group identities?
Covering various periods and geo-cultural areas from Iran to the western Mediterranean, with a strong focus on classical antiquity, the papers collected here approach the topic of network as resources in three different but interrelated thematic domains: the interaction between societies and the natural environment (socio-natural networks), the transmission of knowledge and habitus (networks of knowledge and power) and religious interactions (sacred landscape). The social values that communities attribute to the networks they are embedded in are opened up to new interpretative layers, dynamics and scales. Looking at networks as resources changes our perspective on both terms of the equation. On the one hand, ancient networks are reframed in their relational and social contexts and linked to their actors’ intentions and perceptions. On the other hand, the properties of specific networks, such as fluidity, redundancy and the strength and fragility of relationships, shed new light on resources and resource-related socio-cultural dynamics.

RessourcenKulturen 21

Matthias Toplak, Zwischen lokalen Traditionen und kultureller Integration. Kontinuität und Wandel in den spätwikingerzeitlichen Bestattungen auf dem Gräberfeld von Havor, Hablingbo SN, auf Gotland. RessourcenKulturen 21 (Tübingen 2023).

ISBN Print: 978-3-947251-72-8
ISBN Online: 978-3-947251-73-5
Language: Deutsch
Pages: 438


This study examines the late Viking Age burials at the cemetery of Havor, Hablingbo sn, on Gotland, and in particular the way in which memories of and ideas about the past on the one hand and cultural changes on the other were instrumentalised in the construction of specific identities in the burials of Havor. This approach, especially by taking up older burial traditions and re-using older grave sites, allows conclusions to be drawn about the perception of a mythical past in the Viking Age and about the discursive level of memories and traditions as social and identity-forming constructs. The theoretical starting point for this analysis is the SFB 1070's reconceptualisation of the concept of resources, which as an analytical tool enables a holistic perspective on the multidimensional network of perception and valorisation of material and immaterial aspects.

RessourcenKulturen 20

Jan J. Miera/Thomas Knopf/Thomas Scholten/Peter Kühn (eds.), Gunst/Ungunst. Nutzung und Wahrnehmung von (Marginal-)Räumen. RessourcenKulturen 20 (Tübingen 2022).

ISBN Print: 978-3-947251-68-1
ISBN Online: 978-3-947251-69-8
Languages: German, English
Pages: 130


On 28 and 29 October 2016, representatives of prehistoric and early historical archaeology, archaeobotany, classical archaeology, physical geography/soil science, human geography, ethnology and history met at Tübingen Castle to enter into an interdisciplinary dialogue on "Favour/disfavour - use and perception of (marginal) spaces". Together, older research concepts were critically questioned and new approaches to researching the socio-cultural perception of spaces and resources were discussed. In this context, it was noted that studies on favour and disfavour have until recently been dominated by nature-deterministic conceptions, in which nationalist and colonialist narratives of conquest from the 19th century partly linger. Therefore, not only critical reflections on the mutual influence of research and zeitgeist, but also interdisciplinary initiatives in which old paradigms are questioned and new paths are taken together are of outstanding importance for the turnaround towards a differentiated debate and a further development of outdated possibilistic concepts.


RessourcenKulturen 19

Veronika Sossau/Kai Riehle (eds.), Mistaken Identity. Identitäten als Ressourcen im zentralen Mittelmeerraum. RessourcenKulturen 19 (Tübingen 2022).

ISBN Print: 978-3-947251-66-7
ISBN Online: 978-3-947251-67-4
Languages: German, English
Pages: 250


Both individuals and social groups define themselves through a web of very different affiliations that are consciously emphasised or adapted depending on the situation. This complexity of identity networks and the use of identity as a social resource make it difficult to understand the affiliations of ancient actors. This has led to contradictions, simplifications and misattributions, especially in attempts to link findings and individuals with collective identities such as ethnic groups. The resulting mistaken identities in turn had and still have far-reaching consequences for the interpretation of archaeological finds. On the one hand, the present volume discusses these difficulties on a theoretical and historico-scientific level and, on the other hand, presents concrete examples of specific material contexts that demonstrate the problems and limitations in dealing with the linking of objects and ethnic or cultural, political and religious identities. Last but not least, mistaken identities in the form of misattributions to the material base are also addressed and the potential of scientific methods of analysis in connection with identity discourses in archaeological contexts is put up for discussion. The contributions collected here were written following the international conference "Mistaken Identity", which was held at the Institute for Classical Archaeology at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen from 17-19 November 2016.


RessourcenKulturen 18

Baktygül Tulebaeva/Deepak Kumar Ojha, Dynamics of Speaking and Doing Religion. RessourcenKulturen 18 (Tübingen 2022).

ISBN Print: 978-3-947251-56-8
ISBN Online: 978-3-947251-57-5
Language: English
Pages: 116


The aim of this volume is to engage in the dynamics of speaking and doing religion, which extends from a religious to a social context. This volume contains selected papers presented at the interdisciplinary workshop ‘Religious Speech and Religious Speakers: Authority and Infl uence of Word and People’ (February 2019), which brought together scholars from anthropology, theology and culture studies with the focus to explore ways in which religious speeches have impact specifically as instructive and normative resources. The contributions demonstrate the diversity of issues around the topic of religious speech within Christianity, Hinduism and Islam. Presented case studies deal with religious specialists and their authority, the authority of lay people, the effects and force of religious speeches and discourses and the role of religious speech in interpreting natural phenomena or mediating value changes. Although religious speech is taken as the subject of discussion, the focus in this volume is not religious speeches per se, that is, how religious speech is defi ned, shaped, framed, or produced, but the social impact of religious speeches and speakers in the ways they shape and influence our worldview, social interactions, cultural practices, and power relations.

RessourcenKulturen 17

Martin Bartelheim/Francisco Contreras Cortés/Roland Hardenberg (eds.), Landscapes and Resources in the Bronze Age of Southern Spain. RessourcenKulturen 17 (Tübingen 2022).

ISBN Print: 978-3-947251-52-0
ISBN Online: 978-3-947251-53-7
Language: English
Pages: 360


Resources form the basis of the existence of societies. They can be material and immaterial, and their character is culturally shaped. Resources are usually not used in isolation, but in combination with other resources – as ResourceAssemblages that can change over time as a result of complex relationships. Dealing with such Resource-Assemblages shapes cultural landscapes in which social groups have their base and organise, shape and control these landscapes in a specific, culturally formed way according to the existing circumstances.
This volume focuses on the current state of research on resource use in the Bronze Age in the south of the Iberian Peninsula with a temporal perspective up to the present time. Short-term and long-term trends of landscape design to facilitate the utilisation of resources will be discussed as well as the interrelation of social dynamics and resource use.

RessourcenKulturen 16

Laura Dierksmeier/Frerich Schön/Anna Kouremenos/Annika Condit/Valerie Palmowski (eds.), European Islands Between Isolated and Interconnected Life Worlds. Interdisciplinary Long-Term Perspectives. RessourcenKulturen 16 (Tübingen 2021).

ISBN Print: 978-3-947251-54-4
ISBN Online: 978-3-947251-55-1
Language: English
Pages: 262


Island studies have seen an upswing in recent years. Whereas in the past, research was largely oriented at external perspectives and perceptions, at present we witness an increasing interest in viewpoints internal to the island societies examined (with an ‘inside-out’ approach). This volume contributes to such efforts with transdisciplinary and methodological reflections from the fields of archaeology, ethnology, geography, history, philology, and literary studies. Focused on the interplay between geographic isolation and commercial as well as cultural connection, the studies here assembled investigate the role of the knowledge, resources, and practices of islanders in processes of crisis management, identity formation and transformation.

RessourcenKulturen 15

Martin Bartelheim/Leonardo García Sanjuán/Roland Hardenberg (eds.), Human Made Environments. The Development of Landscapes as ResourceAssemblages. RessourcenKulturen 15 (Tübingen 2021).

ISBN Print: 978-3-947251-45-2
ISBN Online: 978-3-947251-46-9
Language: English
Pages: 195


Landscapes bear traces of the use of resources over long periods. These reflect not only ways of using, shaping, organising, controlling and exchanging resources, but also knowledge perceptions, motivations for actions and related social dynamics. Resources can be material as well as immaterial and constitute the basis for the development and decline of societies. They are usually not exploited in isolation, but as parts of complexes whose specific constellation in time and space can be best described as assemblages.
This topic was the subject of the session 'Human-Made Environments: The Development of Landscapes as Resource Assemblages' held at the 24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (Barcelona, 5­-8 September 2018) and forms the basis of this volume. The general purpose is a debate on new concepts of the interrelation of social dynamics and resource use and a discussion of case studies in which landscapes were shaped to facilitate the utilisation of resources. The identification of what has been considered to be a resource is discussed as well as the means through which the corresponding landscapes were transformed and the results of these transformations. This implies not only material, but also spiritual aspects linked to the exploitation of resources. Since ResourceAssemblages are products of historical evolution and mutual relations the mechanisms of these processes are of great significance. Supreme aspects comprise the detection of a conscious human formation of landscapes in order to suit the exploitation of resources, the connected social practices as well as socio-cultural dynamics linked to the use of resources.

RessourcenKulturen 14

Laura Dierksmeier/Fabian Fechner/Kazuhisa Takeda (eds.), Indigenous Knowledge as a Resource. Transmission, Reception, and Interaction of Knowledge between the Americas and Europe, 1492–1800. El Conocimiento Indígena como recurso. Transmisión, recepción e interacción del conocimiento entre América y Europa, 1492–1800. RessourcenKulturen 14 (Tübingen 2021).

ISBN Print: 978-3-947251-43-8
ISBN Online: 978-3-947251-44-5
Languages: English, Spanish
Pages: 314


Since antiquity, knowledge has often been juxtaposed with opinion. Whereas opinion commonly refers to subjective perceptions and viewpoints, knowledge is typically intended to represent objective and verifiable propositions. On this view, knowledge per se claims a universal dimension in that it pretends to be approvable through the reason of everyone, everywhere. This universal aspect of the concept of knowledge stands in marked contrast to cultures of local knowledge, where the generation of knowledge is dependent on specific times and places. These divergent aspects came into conflict when Indigenous knowledge was contested by Europeans and likewise, Indigenous challenges to European knowledge occurred. Based on religious, linguistic, demographic, and cultural disparities, knowledge operative in one context was adapted, manipulated, reframed, or dismissed as spurious or heretical in another framework.
This book focuses on historical examples of Indigenous knowledge from 1492 until circa 1800, with contributions from the fields of history, art history, geography, anthropology, and archaeology. Among the wide range of sources employed are Indigenous letters, last wills, missionary sermons, bilingual catechisms, archive inventories, natural histories, census records, maps, herbal catalogues of remedies, pottery, and stone carvings. These sources originate from Brazil, the Río de la Plata basin (parts of current-day Argentina, lowland Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay), the Andean region, New Spain (current-day Mexico), the Canary Islands, and Europe. The 14 chapters in this book are clustered into five main sections: (1) Medical Knowledge; (2) Languages, Texts, and Terminology; (3) Cartography and Geographical Knowledge; (4) Material and Visual Culture; and (5) Missionary Perceptions.

RessourcenKulturen 13

Tobias Schade/Beat Schweizer/Sandra Teuber/Raffaella Da Vela/Wulf Frauen/Mohammad Karami/Deepak Kumar Ojha/Karsten Schmidt/Roman Sieler/Matthias Simon Toplak (eds.), Exploring Resources. On Cultural, Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of ResourceCultures. RessourcenKulturen 13 (Tübingen 2021).

ISBN Print: 978-3-947251-31-5
ISBN Online: 978-3-947251-32-2
Languages: English, German
Pages: 397


This book presents case studies of the SFB 1070 ResourceCultures, which use an extended resource definition. Resources are analysed as contingent means to construct, sustain and alter social relations, units and identities. Accordingly, resources are seen as means of social practices of actors that depend on cultural and social appropriation and valuation. They constitute ResourceCultures.

The contributions cover the cross-sectional working groups and conferences that shaped the interdisciplinary collaboration on cultural, spatial and temporal dimensions of resources an ResourceCultures.

RessourcenKulturen 12

Raiko Krauss/Ernst Pernicka/René Kunze/Kalin Dimitrov/Peter Leshtakov (eds.), Prehistoric Mining and Metallurgy at the Southeast Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. RessourcenKulturen 12 (Tübingen 2020).

ISBN Print: 978-3-947251-27-8
ISBN Online: 978-3-947251-28-5
Language: English
Pages: 425


This volume presents the results of research on pre-industrial mining in the region along the south-eastern Bulgarian Black Sea coast. During rescue excavations some prehistoric settlements with traces of early of copper processing were uncovered. This initiated a thorough investigation of the copper ore deposits of Burgas, Rosen and Medni Rid that were mined until recently. Their archaeometallurgical investigation was a project of the Tübingen SFB 1070 ResourceCultures. The research results include an overview of the archaeological research along the southern Bulgarian coastal zone of the Black Sea and the now flooded sites in its shore area. The timeframe ranges from the earliest use of metals in the 5th millennium BC to the period of the ‘Greek Colonisation’ and later.

RessourcenKulturen 11

Sandra Teuber/Anke K. Scholz/Thomas Scholten/Martin Bartelheim (eds.), Waters. Conference proceedings for “Waters as a Resource”. RessourcenKulturen 11 (Tübingen 2020).

ISBN Print: 978‐3‐947251‐23‐0
ISBN Online: 978‐3‐947251‐24‐7
Language: English
Pages: 107


This volume contains the conference contributions of scientists of the SFB 1070 presented at the conference “Waters as a Resource”, which was organized in cooperation with DEGUWA (Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Unterwasserarchäologie e.V.) and took place in Tübingen from March 15th to 18th 2018.
The conference proceedings focus on different resources provided by waters or on the ResourceComplexes connected to them. After a brief reflection on theories and methods used within the SFB 1070 to study and understand resources, conceptions of water bodies in cultural anthropology and archaeology are compared using the examples of the Guadalquivir and Syr Darya Rivers. The third contribution investigates water management on islands and its influences on the identity of the islanders. The fourth chapter shows how seclusion on islands can be an important resource for island communities in the Strait of Sicily. Waters as means for identity formation in medieval monasteries is the focus of the fifth chapter, which is followed by a contribution that investigates the impact of maritime food sources on Viking Life.  The last study analyses Greek settlements in the Black Sea. All contributions illustrate how a new perspective on resources opens up new possibilities for interpretation.

RessourcenKulturen 10

Jan Johannes Miera, Ur- und frühgeschichtliche Siedlungsdynamiken zwischen Gunst- und Ungunsträumen in Südwestdeutschland. Landschaftsarchäologische Untersuchungen zur Baar und den angrenzenden Naturräumen des Schwarzwaldes und der Schwäbischen Alb. RessourcenKulturen 10 (Tübingen 2020).

ISBN (Print): 978‐3‐947251‐17‐9
ISBN (Online): 978‐3‐947251‐18‐6
Language: German
Pages: 644


The study of human-environment relations is one of the focal points of settlement and landscape archaeological research. Prehistoric and early historic settlement dynamics between favourable and unfavourable areas raise a number of questions regarding the triggering factors for the development and perception or use of landscapes with different agricultural conditions. The present study focuses on a theoretical and methodological examination of this complex of topics within German-speaking prehistoric archaeology as well as an investigation of prehistoric and early historic settlement dynamics using a case study from the south-western German region. Based on an archaeological source critique, changes in land use on the Baar and in adjacent natural areas of the south-eastern slope of the Middle Black Forest and the Swabian Alb are recorded by means of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and discussed with findings from other study regions. The database comprises 1826 sites from the Palaeolithic to the end of the High Middle Ages and is supplemented by AMS radiocarbon dating of charcoal samples and OSL dating of sediment samples from colluvia. The synthesis of these archaeological and pedological data makes it possible to record the changing development and conceptualisation of the Baar, the Black Forest and the Swabian Alb. By taking into account theoretical approaches from anthropology and geography, alternative perspectives for the archaeological treatment of favourable and unfavourable spaces are revealed.

RessourcenKulturen 9

Jesse Michael Millek, Exchange, Destruction, and a Transitioning Society. Interregional Exchange in the Southern Levant from the Late Bronze Age to the Iron I. RessourcenKulturen 9 (Tübingen 2019).

ISBN (Print): 978‐3‐947251‐10‐0
ISBN (Online): 978‐3‐947251‐11‐7
Language: English
Pages: 363


The end of the Late Bronze Age ca. 1200 BC in the Eastern Mediterranean is traditionally viewed as an end point. Great empires collapsed, prominent cities were destroyed, interregional exchange disappeared, and writing systems were all but lost in most of the Eastern Mediterranean. The goal of this volume is to examine one key aspect of the transition from the Late Bronze Age to the Iron I in the Southern Levant, the development and changes in interregional exchange both over time and regionally.

Twelve non-local types of material culture were collected into a database in order to track the development of interregional exchange over the course of the LBA to the Iron I. With this data, this volume explores what affect, if any, did changes in interregional exchange have on the ‘collapse’ of the LBA societies in the Southern Levant. Another key aspect of this work is an examination of the supposed wave of destruction which took the Southern Levant by storm to see if these events might have affected trade and contributed to the transitions during the end of the LBA into the Iron I. In all this work seeks to understand what changes took place in interregional exchange, how might destruction have affected this, and was this the cause for the transition to the Iron I.

RessourcenKulturen 8

Bianka Nessel/Daniel Neumann/Martin Bartelheim (eds.), Bronzezeitlicher Transport. Akteure, Mittel und Wege. RessourcenKulturen 8 (Tübingen 2018).

ISBN (Print): 978‐3‐947251‐04‐9
ISBN (Online): 978‐3‐947251‐05‐6
Pages: 410
Languages: German and English


Wide-ranging contact networks ensure the dissemination and transfer of knowledge and goods as well as cultural values. The transport of loads and people can be seen as one of the most important cornerstones of such exchange systems. Therefore, the search for means of transport and the development of suitable vehicles may have been firmly anchored in human thought since time immemorial. The contributions presented here are based on the papers given at the conference "Transporte, Transportwege und Transportstrukturen" (Transports, Transport Routes and Transport Structures) of the Bronze Age Working Group and the Collaborative Research Centre 1070 ResourceCultures. They not only summarise the evidence available in the archaeological record of the Bronze Age on transport routes and vehicles as well as statements on infrastructure, but also add numerous aspects worth knowing.

What can these findings tell us about the transport vehicles and their significance? What characteristics did they have? Were the found objects worn out or deliberately destroyed vehicles or parts of such vehicles? What technological and social implications can be connected with the findings? How should we imagine the Bronze Age infrastructure in different regions? To what extent did transport routes and exchange constitute a resource? This volume is dedicated to answering these questions in detail, resulting in an overarching synopsis of finds, features and theories.

RessourcenKulturen 7

Marco Krätschmer/Katja Thode/Christina Vossler-Wolf (eds.), Klöster und ihre Ressourcen. Räume und Reformen monastischer Gemeinschaften im Mittelalter. RessourcenKulturen 7 (Tübingen 2018).

ISBN (Print): 978‐3‐946552‐23‐9
ISBN (Online): 978-3-946552-24-6
Pages: 120 
Languages: German and English


To build up and maintain and to fulfil their social, political, economic and liturgical tasks and duties, monastic communities in the Middle Ages needed and used a variety of resources. Not only natural resources such as water, wood and stone played a role, but also immaterial resources such as spirituality, education and social relationships.

In this conference volume, archaeologists, historians and art historians show the relevance of these resources in the monastic context in detailed studies. In three sections, their significance in the use of spaces, the implementation of reforms, but also economic purposes are examined and the tense relationship between monastery and the outside world is illuminated.

RessoucenKulturen 6

Martin Bartelheim/Primitiva Bueno Ramírez/Michael Kunst (eds.), Key Resources and Sociocultural Developments in the Iberian Chalcolithic. RessourcenKulturen 6 (Tübingen 2017).

ISBN (Print): 978-3-946552-12-3
ISBN (Online): 978-3-946552-13-0
Langugage: English
Pages: 312


The extreme geographical and climatic differences on the Iberian Peninsula create very different regional conditions. To what extent are these responsible for the heterogeneous social and cultural development in different areas that becomes visible during the 3rd century BC? To enable an answer to this question, it is necessary to identify the relevant resources and to clarify how these resources were valued.

This volume comprehensively examines and reconstructs the dynamics and diversity of socio-cultural manifestations on the Iberian Peninsula in their relation to resource use during the Chalcolithic. In general overviews and detailed studies on the use of infrastructure, raw materials or social relations, it attempts to identify key resources as factors in these processes.

RessourcenKulturen 5

Anke K. Scholz/Martin Bartelheim/Roland Hardenberg/Jörn Staecker (eds.), ResourceCultures. Sociocultural Dynamics and the Use of Resources – Theories, Methods, Perspectives. RessourcenKulturen 5 (Tübingen 2017).

ISBN (Print): 978-3-946552-09-3
ISBN (Online): 978-3-946552-08-6
Languages: English and German
Pages: 298


This volume brings together the contributions to the international, interdisciplinary conferences 'Developments - Movements - Valuations' from 6 to 9 November 2014 and 'ResourceCultures - Theories, Methods, Perspectives' from 16 to 19 November 2015, which were organised by the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 1070 ResourceCultures in Tübingen. It includes comprehensive articles on theories, methods and concepts for the study of resource cultures, emphasising the diachronic and interdisciplinary approach that characterises the SFB. Internationally recognised experts from various disciplines present case studies of the study of resource cultures, ranging in time from the beginning of human history to the present. This illustrates the multitude of facets whose study allows the consideration of "resources" as a category of analysis.

RessourcenKulturen 4

Roland Hardenberg (ed.), Approaching Ritual Economy. Socio-Cosmic Fields in Globalised Contexts. RessourcenKulturen 4 (Tübingen 2016).

ISBN (Print): 978-3-946552-07-9
ISBN (Online): 978-3-946552-06-2
Language: English
Pages: 308


This book introduces the concept of "socio-cosmic fields" to explore dynamics arising from the confrontation of local and global values. The contributions to this volume include case studies from Georgia, India, Iran, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Each of the articles is based on intensive field research and sheds particular light on specific forms of exchange and provision: The preparation of sacred food (mahaprasad) in Puri (India), local cures for childhood diseases (kirene) in Kyrgyzstan, religious endowments (vaqf) in Mashdad (Iran), the construction of new religious schools (madrassa) in northern Kyrgyzstan, the spread of divine blessings (baraka) in Tajikistan, trade and credit relations (karis) in Tajikistan, the renewal of deities (nabakalebara) in Odisha (India), the festivals of returning pilgrims (hajji) in southern Kyrgyzstan, and forms of consumption and morality (zneoba) in Orthodox families in Georgia. All authors explore how these forms of exchange and provision create connections and linkages between the social and cosmic fields.

RessourcenKulturen 3

Thomas Knopf, Ressourcennutzung und Umweltverhalten prähistorischer Bauern. Eine Analyse archäologischer und ethnographischer Untersuchungen. RessourcenKulturen 3 (Tübingen 2016).

ISBN (Print): 978-3-946552-05-5
ISBN (Online): 978-3-946552-04-8
Language: German
Pages: 393


Prehistoric and early historical archaeology researches the interaction of humans with their environment primarily using scientific methods. The knowledge gained from this primarily allows us to make statements about economic practices. It is incomparably more difficult to draw conclusions about the socio-cultural causes or the interconnectedness of economy, social structure, religion, etc. in the use of resources. This work presents a systematic collection and comparative evaluation of archaeozoological and archaeobotanical as well as ethnographic findings and statements derived from them on the environmental behaviour of peasant farmers. With a comparative and analogical approach as well as a general model, possibilities of interpretation and probable links between environment, economy and culture are shown.

RessourcenKulturen 2

Frerich Schön/Hanni Töpfer (eds.), Karthago Dialoge. Karthago und der punische Mittelmeerraum - Kulturkontakte und Kulturtransfers im 1. Jahrtausend vor Christus, RessourcenKulturen 2 (Tübingen 2016).

ISBN (Print): 978-3-946552-03-1
ISBN (Online): 978-3-946552-02-4
Languages: English, French and German
Pages: 344


This anthology provides insights into current research on the multi-layered and reciprocal cultural exchange relations in the central Mediterranean region of the first millennium BC. Starting from the Punic metropolis of Carthage, the authors use archaeological and historical sources to examine cultural contacts and cultural transfers in the Punic settlement areas. The focus is on the manifold dynamics and processes of exchange between Punic peoples and their neighbours in Tunisia, Sicily and Sardinia as well as the Phoenician motherland. The essays collected here present the results of the international workshop "Carthage Dialogues", which took place in November 2013 at the Institute for Classical Archaeology at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen.

RessourcenKulturen 1

Raiko Krauss/Harald Floss (eds.), Southeast Europe before Neolithisation. Proceedings of the International Workshop within the Collaborative Research Centres SFB 1070 “RessourcenKulturen”, Schloss Hohentübingen, 9th of May 2014. RessourcenKulturen 1 (Tübingen 2016).

ISBN: 978-3-946552-01-7
Language: English
Pages: 222


This volume provides an insight into the current state of archaeological research in South-Eastern Europe and neighbouring areas. The chronological framework extends from the Aurignacian to the beginning of the Neolithic. In ten contributions, leading authors present special aspects in regions such as the Aegean, the Carpathians, Western Anatolia to the Apennine Peninsula and Central Europe. The book contains the contributions to an international workshop in May 2014 in Tübingen, within the framework of the Collaborative Research Centre 1070 ResourceCultures.

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