LEAD Graduate School & Research Network



Leading Research

CHE ranking: top results for Education and Psychology

The research in Education and Psychology at the University of Tübingen performs excellent in the most recent university ranking of the Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung (CHE): Both disciplines reach the top group in terms of the height of their research funds and the number of scientific publications. Education also <link http: www.erziehungswissenschaft.uni-tuebingen.de newsfullview-erziehungswissenschaft-eingang article che-hochschulranking-2013-gute-ergebnisse-im-fach-erziehungswissenschaft-an-der-universitaet-tuebin.htmlhttp: che-hochschulranking-2013-gute-ergebnisse-im-fach-erziehungswissenschaft-an-der-universitaet-tuebin.html external-link externen link im aktuellen>came top in all other categories ("overall study situation", "graduates in standard period of study" and "practical/labor market relevance"). More information on the university ranking is available at <link http: www.zeit.de hochschulranking>www.zeit.de/hochschulranking.
