The research in Education and Psychology at the University of Tübingen performs excellent in the most recent university ranking of the Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung (CHE): Both disciplines reach the top group in terms of the height of their research funds and the number of scientific publications. Education also <link http: www.erziehungswissenschaft.uni-tuebingen.de newsfullview-erziehungswissenschaft-eingang article che-hochschulranking-2013-gute-ergebnisse-im-fach-erziehungswissenschaft-an-der-universitaet-tuebin.htmlhttp: che-hochschulranking-2013-gute-ergebnisse-im-fach-erziehungswissenschaft-an-der-universitaet-tuebin.html external-link externen link im aktuellen>came top in all other categories ("overall study situation", "graduates in standard period of study" and "practical/labor market relevance"). More information on the university ranking is available at <link http: www.zeit.de hochschulranking>www.zeit.de/hochschulranking.