LEAD Graduate School & Research Network



Teachers and scientists start dialog

LEAD's "Tag der Wissenschaft" (Day of Science) bridges the gap between education research and practice

The first Tag der Wissenschaft initiated by LEAD gave principals and teachers from all over Baden-Württemberg insights into current education research. On November 28, LEAD and the Regierungspräsidium Tübingen hosted this new event, the format of which was designed to allow direct exchange between scientists, teachers and principals and to reduce the distance between education research and practice. In their lectures and workshops, the professors presented their latest research results and its relevance for school.

In her welcoming remarks, Professor Karin Amos, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, said that teacher education at the University of Tübingen was of top priority and that the education research being conducted at LEAD fitted perfectly within the university's future concept of "Research - Relevance - Responsibility". She also welcomed the establishment of the Leading Research Center, a core research facility of the university, whose central task is the knowledge transfer between research and public. LEAD addressed effectively the new challenges between science and its applications in schools, said Dr. Susanne Pacher, President of the Section 7 of the Regierungspräsidium.

Professor Ulrich Trautwein, Director of LEAD, made clear the need for education research and urged the participants to utilize the event as an opportunity for dialogue. In the workshop following his address, he presented the applications and limitations of education research on decision-making processes by way of example. Concurrently, Professor Benjamin Nagengast, Vice Director of LEAD, presented a study on motivation research among students, and his colleague Professor Benjamin Fauth answered the question of how the quality of education can be measured and evaluated. Caterina Gawrilow, Germany's only professor of school psychology, informed the participants of new research results that can help children with ADHD. At the later poster exhibition, other scientists presented their education studies and projects while answering participant questions. In the closing workshop, Evelin Herbein presented practical vocal exercises for the school day.

The event was part of the cooperation program "Science and School" which started last year. Within this program, schools in Baden-Württemberg can become partners of LEAD, a close cooperation that offers mutual benefits for both sides. The partner schools will serve as regular study sites, and in return, will receive support for the transfer of scientific findings into school practice.
