LEAD Graduate School & Research Network
LEAD Research Network

In LEAD more than 100 scientists work together on central questions of Education Sciences. More...

LEAD Graduate School

LEAD offers a structured training program for PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers. More...



ARTE: Pubertät: Neustart für's Gehirn?

Prof. Dr. Christoph Randler über seine Studie zum Schlaf-Wach-Rhythmus

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Neuerscheinung: Kompetenzen historischen Denkens erfassen

Herausgegeben von Ulrich Trautwein, Christiane Bertram et al.

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Prof. Clancy Blair in Tübingen

Talk on self-regulation in early childhood

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Clancy Blair zu Gast in Tübingen

Vortrag zu Selbstregulation in der frühen Kindheit

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Anniversary Brochure

LEAD Video

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