
Research Commission

The Research Commission of the University of Tübingen advises the President’s Office on in-house processes in the field of research, especially with regard to the promotion of junior researchers. It makes decisions on the awarding of intramural funding formats such as the Program for the Promotion of Junior Researchers, Innovation Grants, Athene, Summer/Winter Schools and Workshops. Members are the Vice Deans for Research of the large faculties, the spokespeople of the research platforms within the Excellence Strategy, and further representatives of various departments. They reflect a very wide range of disciplines.

The Faculty of Science also has its own Research Committee.


Last Update: October 2023


Prof. Dr. Peter Grathwohl, Vice-President for Research and Innovation

Prof. Dr. Petra Bauer

Educational Science, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Prof. Dr. Renate Dürr

History, Faculty of Humanities

Prof. Dr. Karl Forchhammer

Microbiology, Faculty of Science

Prof. Dr. Regula Forster

Oriental and Islamic Studies, Vice Dean for Research at the Faculty of Humanities

Prof. Dr. Thomas Gasser

Neurology, Vice Dean for Research, Faculty of Medicine

Prof. Dr. Klaus Harter

Plant Physiology, Vice Dean for Research at the Faculty of Science

Prof. Dr. Andreas Hasenclever

Political Science, spokesperson platform 4 "Global Encounters"

Prof. Dr. Carolin Huhn

Analytical Chemistry, spokesperson for platform 3 Environmental Systems

Prof. Dr. Tobias Lachenmaier

Neutrinophysics, Faculty of Science

Prof. Dr. Christian la Fougère

Nuclear Medicine and Clinical Molecular Imaging, spokesperson for platform 2 Medical Technology

Prof. Dr. Ulrike von Luxburg

Theory of Machine Learning, Faculty of Science

Prof. Dr. Nisar P. Malek

Gastroenterology, spokesperson Platform 1 Personalised Medicine

Prof. Dr. Valeria Merlo

International Economics, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Prof. Dr. Cristina Murer

Classical Archaeology, Faculty of Humanitiest

Prof. Dr. Tim Pawlowski

Sports economics, sports management and sports journalism, Vice Dean for Research at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Dr. Susanne Weitbrecht

Representative of the Gender Equality Office

Prof. Dr. Andrea Weber

English Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities

Prof. Dr. Birgit Weyel

Practical Theology, Faculty of Protestant Theology

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