
Graduate Academy

The University of Tübingen supports its academics with diverse offers that are tailored to the needs of researchers in all career phases. The researcher development's goal is to strengthen scientists both in their core tasks in teaching, research and the academic self-administration as well as in their professional development.


The Graduate Academy

Current projects

Researcher Development Concept PEK

The University of Tübingen understands academic human resources development as a process that also considers changing conditions for the implementation and further development of the university's strategic goals. The personnel development concept (PEK) defines fields of action, standards and measures for this purpose, which are to be continuously evaluated and developed in the coming years.

Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)

The University of Tübingen has been participating in the EU Commission's Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) initiative since 2017 and was one of the first German univeristies to do so. The audit's aim is the full implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers recommendations. The university's action plan was successfully adopted in 2019.


The University Association for the Qualification of Young Academics in Germany (UniWiND) is a network of currently 75 member institutions which have made the promotion of young academics one of their universities' focal tasks. UniWiND is committed to optimizing training conditions for doctoral students and early career researchers at the beginning of their postdoctoral phase in order to give them the best possible opportunities for future careers in and out out of university.


Uninetz PE

The nationwide network for HR development at universities (UniNetzPE) is the next decisive step towards a systematic professionalization and establishment of HR development at universities.


Workshops, Qualifcations, Seminars

PhD Candidates, Lecturers, Postdocs, Assistant professors

Center for Teaching and Learning 

International Researchers

Non-academic questions, practical questions

International Researchers, PhD Candidates, Postdocs, Habilitators

Welcome Center 

Female researchers

At the Gender Equality Office of the University of Tübingen you will find all relevant information, programs and measures concerning equal opportunities.

Gender equality office

Those interested in doing a PhD

Everything about doing a PhD

PhD Candidates and those interested in doing a PhD

The Graduate Academy 

Early-career researchers

Consultation, Information, Qualifications

PhD Candidates, Researchers, Postdocs, Assistant professors

Support for early-career Researchers  


Contact Informations

If you have any further questions, you can contact us  by phone or e-mail.

+49 7071 29-76427

infospam prevention@graduiertenakademie.uni-tuebingen.de

You will find the right contact person for your request on our team page or in our consultation offer.



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