
COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology


COST promotes cross-border networking activities to initiate and implement international research collaborations. In this way, the exchange of knowledge and the cooperation of scientists will be strengthened and infrastructures will be better utilized.

The Participating countries are the EU Member States, the Associated States and (possibly) Accession Countries, as well as Norway, Switzerland and the COST cooperation partner Israel.

The implementation of the network activities takes place as a supplement to existing national research funding in the form of topic-related actions. They should be:

  • Bottom-up (open-topic, interdisciplinary, intersectoral)
  • Inclusive (especially of women and young researchers)
  • Open to all disciplines (including humanities and social sciences)
  • Following the principles of excellence.

In particular, COST supports measures to strengthen European destination countries with untapped research and innovation potential. It complements the HORIZON2020-Program Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation.



Financed activities include the organization of meetings, training courses, short visits by scientists and other networking activities.


Further links:

COST Homepage

Current call for proposals and information on the application: https://www.cost.eu/funding/open-call-a-simple-one-step-application-process/

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