
Offers for new students at the start of their studies

For first-year students of all degree programs: Here you will find our offers for the start of your studies - the orientation week for first-year students, personal counseling, and other useful information for getting started at the University of Tübingen

Orientation Week for new students

Here you can find all the important information you need for getting started at the university

To the website "How to get started"

New at the University - what now?

An event by the Student Counseling Service with valuable advice for getting a good start into your studies

Individual counseling

about orientiation at the university, about creating your time table, and about almost all other questions that may arise at the start of your studies

Study with a plan!

Events and workshops during the semester

Pathfinder: Studying step by step

FAQ and explanations about a number of possible situations during your studies: What can I do in case...?

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