
Offers for students

For students of all academic fields and study programs: Here you can find all our counseling services, events and workshops, as well as a range of useful information for studying at the University of Tübingen.

Individual counseling

with regard to almost all questions that may arise during your studies

Study with a plan!

Events, workshops and materials for students

Counseling and advice for international students

If things get stuck in your studies

What can I do if I encounter difficulties, problems, or conflicts during the course of my studies?

Special personal circumstances

How can I balance my studies with the requirements and challenges of life (family, job, illness, etc.)?

Mental Health

A list of institutions and contact persons for mental health topics that you can turn to in case of worries or crisis

Further counseling and information services

Overview of contact points for students on all topics that may arise during the course of your studies, e.g. subject-specific counseling, career service, academic writing...

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