
Application for study programmes in the Dialogue-Oriented Service Procedure (Dialogorientiertes Serviceverfahren, DoSV)


Application for Germans, EU citizens and Foreigners with German higher education entrance qualification (Bildungsinländer)

Goals of DoSV

In the dialogue-oriented service procedure (DoSV), the allocation of study places for all participating study programmes in the first semester is coordinated nationwide with the aim of actually being able to fill all available study places with applicants. (DoSV does not apply to Master programmes!)

Please be sure to read the section "Prioritize"!

! Prioritize !

If you have more than one DoSV application, please prioritize your desired studies by 22.01. (for the summer semester) or 22.07. (for the winter semester) at the latest!

The prioritisation of your desired courses of study plays a decisive role: Due to the dynamics of the prodecure, lower-prioritised offers are not retained, but are eliminated as soon as a higher-prioritised offer is possible.

Prioritize on hochschulstart.de

Here you can find the DoSV schedule via hochschulstart.de.

DoSV study programmes fo the summer semester in Tübingen

  • Bioinformatics B.Sc.
  • Jurisprudence State Examination (Staatsexamen)

DoSV study programmes for the winter semester in Tübingen

  • Biochemistry B.Sc.
  • Bioinformatics B.Sc.
  • Biology B.Sc.
  • Economics and Business Administration B.Sc.
  • Empirical Education Sciences and Psychology B.Sc.
  • Educational Science and Social Work / Adult Education B.A.
  • Geoecology B.Sc.
  • Midwifery Science B.Sc..
  • International Business Administration B.Sc.
  • Cognitive Science B.Sc.
  • Media Informatics B.Sc.
  • Medical Informatics B.Sc.
  • Medical Technology B.Sc.
  • Molecular Medicine B.Sc.
  • Care Science B.Sc.
  • Psychology B.Sc.*
  • Psychology polyvalent B.Sc.**
  • Jurisprudence State Examination (Staatsexamen)
  • Sports science (with the alternative focal points: Health Promotion B.Sc.; Sports Management B.Sc.; Media and Communication B.Sc.)
  • Environmental Science B.Sc.

* This course of study does not meet the legal requirements for the future training of psychotherapists

** This course of study does meet the legal requirements for the future training of psychotherapists.

How do I apply for the 1st semester in DoSV?

To apply for one of the above-mentioned degree programmes, you first register in the application portal on hochschulstart.de and enter your master data. After successful registration you will be provided with a user account on hochschulstart.de. Here you will find your identification data, the applicant ID (Bewerber-ID, BID) and the applicant authentication number (Bewerber-Authentifizierungsnummer , BAN) in the section "My data → Personal data".

With BID and BAN you then register on the application and enrolment portal ALMA of the University of Tübingen. Your master data will be transferred from your user account on hochschulstart.de during this registration. After completing the registration in ALMA, you will also have a user account here.

In your user account on ALMA, you can then submit an online application for admission to the course of study you wish to pursue. Upload your application documents (e.g. school leaving certificate) directly to ALMA during the application period. You complete your application for admission by entering your BAN. If you do not submit any special applications (e.g. hardship case, top athlete, etc.), you do not need to submit anything in paper form for your application. It is sufficient to submit the online application including the upload of all required documents within the application deadline. Should you wish to submit any documents during the application period, please do so by e-mail to studierendensekretariat@zv.uni-tuebingen.de.

How many admission applications may I submit?

You may apply for admission to the University of Tübingen for no more than three courses of study (exception: second degree - only one application may be submitted). It is irrelevant whether it is a DoSV programme or a programme in the traditional local allocation procedure. However, you can use your ALMA account to apply simultaneously for both DoSV programmes and programmes in the conventional local allocation procedure.

In total, you may not submit more than 12 applications for admission to participating courses of study in the nationwide DoSV.

Where can I get information about the status of my application to the DoSV?

As soon as you have completed your application for admission online in ALMA, your application will also be displayed in the "My Applications" section of your account in the application portal on hochschulstart.de. Here you will see the status changes of your application and, after the ranking lists for the respective degree programme have been released, an admission offer will also be displayed if there is an admission possibility for your application. You will also receive all notification documents only via this account.

You will receive an e-mail notification from the application portal hochschulstart.de as well as from ALMA whenever there is a change in status. Therefore, please check the mailbox of the e-mail address you have provided regularly to keep up to date on the application process.

If your personal details change during the application and awarding process, please change them only in your account on hochschulstart.de. The change will automatically be transferred to your account on ALMA.

I have received an offer of admission. What next?

If there is an admissions opportunity for your application after the ranking lists for the respective study programme have been released, an admissions offer will be displayed in your account on hochschulstart.de for this application. If you accept the admission offer, it will be converted into an admission, for which you will receive a notification of admission in your account for download within a short time. You will receive your letter of admission in your hochschulstart.de account only on Mondays and Thursdays.

Please note that if you accept the admission offer, all other applications that you have submitted to the DoSV will be dropped from the award procedure. Due to the coordination rules, it is also possible that you will be admitted immediately without actively accepting an offer. Also in this case all your other applications will be eliminated. Here you will find an overview of the coordination rules.

If you do not wish to accept the admission offer, please inform us as soon as possible in the interest of fairness by e-mail to studierendensekretariatspam prevention@zv.uni-tuebingen.de. We will then withdraw your application and another applicant will receive your vacant place.

As soon as you have decided on an admission offer and converted it into an admission, you can submit an enrolment application for your application online in your account on ALMA. A corresponding button is now provided for you when you make your application entry. Please also note the links and instructions on your notification of admission. If you are already enrolled at the University of Tübingen and wish to change your course of study, please use the form for transfer. You can find this form on the website Umschreibung (Transcription).

Please note that your notification of admission states a deadline for enrolment. By the end of this period, at least the signed matriculation application together with the printout of your letter of admission and a certified copy of your university entrance qualification must have been received by the Registrar's Office of the University of Tübingen before you can be enrolled. The same applies to the receipt of the application for re-registration. If you do not meet this deadline, the notification of admission becomes invalid and enrolment is then no longer possible.

You can obtain further information on matriculation both with the letter of admission and via the following link: Immatrikulation an der Universität Tübingen

Application for a higher semester. Also via DoSV?

No, in the DoSV only places are allocated for the first semesters in the undergraduate courses. The allocation of study places for a higher semester also takes place in the DoSV study programmes via the conventional allocation procedure in our application and enrolment portal ALMA.

We will inform you about the application for a higher semester on a special website, which you can reach via the following link: Bewerbung Höheres Fachsemester.

Application deadlines

Please note that your application will only be considered in the award procedure if the signed application for admission and the documents to be suitted with it are submitted to an

  • Application for the winter semester by 15.07. (24:00) at the latest and to an
  • Application for the summer semester by 15.01. (24:00) at the latest

to the student department of the University of Tübingen. Documents received later will not be considered and the corresponding application will be excluded from the procedure.

Apply now

Click on the following link on the website of hochschulstart.de to access the DoSV area with access to the application portal and detailed information on the DoSV procedure:

DoSV via hochschulstart.de

The following link takes you to ALMA, the application and enrolment portal of the University of Tübingen:

Application and Matriculation Portal ALMA

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