
Application Sports Science (B.Sc.)

Application for Germans, foreigners with German higher education entrance qualification (Bildungsinländer) and EU citizens

Admission requirement: Sport entrance examination

In order to be admitted to a degree course in Sports Science, each applicant must pass an entrance examination or have an existing one recognised. The examination usually takes place in May. A registration is necessary. The Institute of Sports Science must be involved in time for the recognition of existing sport entrance examinations. A new sport entrance examination may have to be taken. All information about the sport entrance examination and registration can be found at the Institute for Sports Science (Institut für Sportwissenschaft).

Application procedure

The study places of the B.A. in Sports Science at the University of Tübingen are allocated in the dialogue-oriented service procedure (DoSV) of hochschulstart.de. Further information on the application procedure can be found on our corresponding website

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