
Proof of the foreign (non-German) language requirements

Please find out more about proof of German language skills here: https://uni-tuebingen.de/en/96940

Master of Arts and Master of Science

Accounting and Finance

English proficiency B2 CEFR.

Advanced Quantum Physics Knowledge of the English language at least at the level of level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR/GER)
Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Proof of good knowledge of English (level comparable to B2 GER)
American Studies English proficiency at level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR / GER): Level C 1 CEFR (GER) can be proven by the BA degree in English or American Studies
Applied & Environmental Geoscience (AEG) English test certificate or another proof of proficiency equivalent to level B2 of the Common European Framework CEFR (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS)
Archaeological Sciences and Human Evolution B2 (GER)
Archaeology English B2 (GER) 
Astro and Particle Physics Knowledge of the English language at least at the level of level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR/GER)
Biochemistry Applicants whose documents do not show that they have sufficient English language skills (e.g.: mother tongue English or English listed at the higher education entrance qualification) must provide proof of sufficient English language skills (e.g.: TOEFL, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF or GER), level B1.

Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution

(former: Evolution und Ökologie)

Englischkenntnisse (B2 GER) müssen durch einen der folgenden Nachweise belegt werden:

  • TOEFL / TOEFL iBT / TOEFL Home edition mit mindestens 79 Punkten bzw. eine von TS/TOEFL festgelegte Äquivalenzprüfung mit entsprechender Punktzahl,
  • IELTS mit mindestens der Stufe 6.5,
  • Cambridge University First Certificate in English (FCE), Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) mit der abgeschlossenen Stufe B2 oder höher.

Befreit von der Vorlage der Sprachzertifikate sind Bewerber mit folgenden Sprachnachweisen:

  • eine anerkannte Hochschulzugangsberechtigung, die in englischer Sprache und in einem Land erworben wurde, dessen Amtssprache Englisch ist;
  • "IB Diploma" nach den Bestimmungen der "International Baccalaureate Organization", mit der Unterrichtssprache Englisch;
  • eine deutsche HZB mit dem Unterrichtsfach Englisch mindestens ab Klasse 8 bis zur Abschlussklasse mit der Abschlussnote mind. „gut“, falls nicht bereits B2 auf der HZB ausgewiesen;
  • ein anerkannter, gänzlich in englischer Sprache abgelegter, mindestens zweijähriger Hochschulabschluss.

Bewerber*innen ohne deutschsprachige Hochschulzugangsberechtigung oder Bachelorzeugnis eines deutschsprachigen Studiengangs: International anerkannter Nachweis deutscher Sprachkenntnisse auf dem Niveau A2.

Bioinformatik / Bioinformatics Knowledge of English at a level of at least B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEF or GER)
Biomedical Technologies Proof of English language proficiency at level C1 CEFR. Graduates of the affine Bachelor's degree program at the Universities of Tübingen and Stuttgart who have completed their thesis and colloquium in English are exempt from providing proof of English language proficiency.
Cellular and Immunological Biosciences – From Single Cells to Plants, Animals, and Humans (former: Molekulare Zellbiologie und Immunologie)

Englischkenntnisse (B2 GER) müssen durch einen der folgenden Nachweise belegt werden:

  • TOEFL / TOEFL iBT / TOEFL Home edition mit mindestens 79 Punkten bzw. eine von TS/TOEFL festgelegte Äquivalenzprüfung mit entsprechender Punktzahl,
  • IELTS mit mindestens der Stufe 6.5,
  • Cambridge University First Certificate in English (FCE), Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) mit der abgeschlossenen Stufe B2 oder höher.

Befreit von der Vorlage der Sprachzertifikate sind Bewerber mit folgenden Sprachnachweisen:

  • eine anerkannte Hochschulzugangsberechtigung, die in englischer Sprache und in einem Land erworben wurde, dessen Amtssprache Englisch ist;
  • "IB Diploma" nach den Bestimmungen der "International Baccalaureate Organization", mit der Unterrichtssprache Englisch;
  • eine deutsche HZB mit dem Unterrichtsfach Englisch mindestens ab Klasse 8 bis zur Abschlussklasse mit der Abschlussnote mind. „gut“, falls nicht bereits B2 auf der HZB ausgewiesen;
  • ein anerkannter, gänzlich in englischer Sprache abgelegter, mindestens zweijähriger Hochschulabschluss.

Bewerber*innen ohne deutschsprachige Hochschulzugangsberechtigung oder Bachelorzeugnis eines deutschsprachigen Studiengangs: International anerkannter Nachweis deutscher Sprachkenntnisse auf dem Niveau A2.

Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience Proof of an internationally recognised examination in English (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS or comparable), if the mother tongue is not English or a degree from an English-speaking school or university is not available. No language test ist required for applicants who can prove a 6-month stay in an English-speaking country and for German applicants who can prove 8 years of English lessons up to the Abitur.
Comparative & Middle East Politics and Society (CMEPS)

To prove English skills on the B2/C1 level of the Common European Reference Framework (CERF) for Languages, one of the following certificates has to be provided:

  • TOEFL certificate (with a score of at least 90 in the internet-based iBT and at least 21 scores in each section) or
  • IELTS certificate (with a score of at least 6.5 and with at least 7 scores in the writing section).

Such a certificate is not required

  • of students who have graduated in an exclusively English-speaking first-degree program;
  • of students who prove a recognized higher education entrance qualification that was obtained in English and in a country whose first official language is English or that was obtained in a sovereign capacity in one of these countries.
Computational Neuroscience Proof of an internatiolnally recognized examination in English (e.g. TOEFL with a minimum score of 550 points of 210 in the computer-based test), if the native language is not English or a degree from an English-speaking school or university is not available.
Computerlinguistik /
Computational Linguistics
Advanced knowledge of English at reference level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or equivalent English skills must be demonstrated.

Cultures of the Global South /
Culturas del Sur Global /
Cultures du Sud global

English, Spanish and French are the languages of instruction and examination in this degree program.

To take part in the Masters's program, knowledge of one of the following languages at the level of C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) must bei documented:

  • English
  • French
  • Spanish

Knowledge ot two of the three languages of instruction and examination, i.e. English and Spanish of English and French ist recommended. Documentation of at least B2-level knowledge of the second language must be provided at the latest when the student registers for the Masters's thesis process.


The acquisition of language skills is not part of the Master's programme.

Data Science in Business and Economics

English proficiency B2 CEFR.

Demokratie und Regieren in Europa Proof of English language skills at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The knowledge is considered proven if alternatively
  • the Abitur certificate contains the grade or the score for a regular subject (not e.g. only for a study group) or the note on a supplementary examination; if the language is included in the foreign language sequence of the certificate of general qualification for university entrance (reformed upper secondary school), if uninterrupted teaching for at least five years from grade 8 can be proven and the last graade was at least "sufficient" and thus the target level B2 of the CEFR has been reached
  • certificates at level B2 of the CEFR or equivalent are presented
  • proof of attendance of courses in English language which are recognised by the relevant faculty as equivalent to B2 (CEFR)
  • a certificate from the relevant faculty confirming the equivalence of language skills acquired outside of university or extracurricular activities
  • the first degree has been obtained at an English-speaking university
Deutsche Literatur Proof of good knowledge of two foreign languages (one of the languages must be English or French)

English proficiency B2 CEFR:

  • TOEFL (IBT) with a minimum score of 79 or an equivalent test as determined by TS/TOEFL with an equivalent score;
  • IELTS with at least level 6.5;
  • Cambridge Certificate FCE, CAE, CPE with completed level B2 or higher;
  • a recognized university entrance qualification obtained in English and in a country whose first official language is English or obtained in a sovereign capacity of one of these countries;
  • a recognized university degree of at least three years' duration, taken entirely in English; or
  • a German HZB with English as a subject of instruction from at least grade 8 up to the final grade with the final grade "good".

Please note that specific language requirements apply for students of the double degree, the requirements for the University of Nottingham are listed here: www.nottingham.ac.uk/academicservices/qualitymanual/admissions/minimum-english-language-entry-requirements.aspx
the requirements for the University of Adelaide may be found here:

Economics and Finance

English proficiency B2 CEFR.

English Linguistics

Proof of English language proficiency at level C1 CEFR is also a prerequisite for studying on the Master's degree program. 
The C1 CEFR level can be demonstrated by a BA degree in English or American Studies equivalent to the Tübingen B.A. degree.

Otherwise, one of the following language certificates must be submitted as an entry requirement for level C1 CEFR: 

- TOEFL (IBT) with at least 105 points or an equivalence test specified by TS/TOEFL with a corresponding number of points 
- IELTS with at least level 7.5 
- Cambridge Certificate FCE, CAE, CPE with completed level C1 or higher 
- a recognized university entrance qualification or a Bachelor's degree obtained in English and in a country where English is the majority cultural and colloquial language: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Australia, Barbados, Belize, Canada*, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Ireland, Jamaica, Malta, New Zealand, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, USA. *Canadian applicants must provide proof that their school and university education was completed in English.  

English Literatures and Cultures Knowledge of English at leven C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The level C1 CEFR can be verified by the BA degree in English/American Studies.
Ethnologie / Social and Cultural Anthropology Proof of English language skills at level B2 of the Common E
European Economics

English proficiency B2 CEFR.

Please note that specific language requirements apply for students of the double degree with the University of Nottingham: www.nottingham.ac.uk/academicservices/qualitymanual/admissions/minimum-english-language-entry-requirements.aspx

European Management

English proficiency B2 CEFR.

Please note that specific language requirements apply for students of the double degree with the University of Nottingham: www.nottingham.ac.uk/academicservices/qualitymanual/admissions/minimum-english-language-entry-requirements.aspx

Evangelische Theologie für Berufsqualifizierte (Weiterbildungsstudiengang) Althebräisch- und Griechischkenntisse.
General Management

English proficiency B2 CEFR.

Geoökologie / Geoecology English language skills at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages must be proven.
Geowissenschaften / Geosciences English language skills at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages must be proven.

Germanistische Linguistik

Proof of English language skills at level B2 (or comparable) is required.

Knowledge of Latin to the extent of the Latinum must be proven;
For a good academic success, knowledge of another modern foreign language (preferably Italian or French) is absolutely necessary in addition to English.

Infection Biology & Control

Documentation of English proficiency of at least level of B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Documentation of French proficiency of at least level of A2 CEFR (DELF A2).

Informatik / Computer Science

B2/C1 (GER)

Integrierter deutsch-französischer Master-Studiengang Geschichte Please tell us in a PDF document in a short informal text what kind and extent of French lessons you have had so far (school lessons, possibly French courses during the Bachelor minor, possibly stays in France, other language courses). For proof of your schooling in French, please upload your Abitur certificate. You can also upload additional language certificates such as DELF/DALF.
Interkulturelle deutsch-französische Studien / Études interculturelles franco-allemandes

Very good knowledge of the French language, at least GER B2

Native French speakers don't have to prove this requirement

International Business

English proficiency B2 CEFR.

Internationale Literaturen Proof of good knowledge of English at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and another modern foreign language (A2 CEFR).
Islamische Praktische Theologie (Seelsorge)

- Knowledge of English (at least B2 of the CEFR)


- Knowledge of Aracib (at least B2 of the CEFR)

Islamische Theologie im Europäischen Kontext

- Knowledge of English (at least B2 of the CEFR)

- Knowledge of Arabic (at least B2 of the CEFR)

- Knowledge of German

Islamwissenschaft / Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies

Proof of English language skills at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) by means of an internationally recognised examination in English (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English Test, language certificate of the Geman Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) or comparable)

  • Knowledge of Hebrew (at least B2 of the CEFR)
  • Knowledge of Aramaic (at least A2 of the CEFR)

In addition - depending on the specialization - Yiddish or Greek or (Judeo) Arabic, Latin or a Romance or a Slavic language

Koreanistik / Korean Studies

Proof of good knowledge of the Korean language at the intermediate level according to the language training at the Department of Sinology and Korean Studies at the University of Tübingen (Level B2 of the CEFR or Level 4 of the Test of Proficiency in Korean TOPIK).


In addition, good knowledge of English according to language level B2/C1 of the CEFR is required.


Knowledge of Greek to the extent of the Graecum must be proven.
For a good study success, knowledge of another modern foreign language (preferably Italian or French) is absolutely necessary in addition to English.

Literatur- und Kulturtheorie Proof of good language skills in at least two languages (one of which must be French or English)
Machine Learning

Good knowledge of English, which must be documented by one of the following certificates:

  • German Abitur certificate with proof of 6 (G8) or 7 (G9) years of English language instruction
  • TOEFL iBT test with at least 94 points
  • IELTS test with a score of at least 7.0
  • Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)
  • University entrance qualification from Great Britain, Ireland, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand

In exceptional circumstances, the selection board may accept other evidence of equivalent language ability. The examination board decides on the existence of the professional qualification.

Management and Economics

English proficiency B2 CEFR.

Master of Public Policy and Social Change

Proof of English Language Qualification (for all applicants whose first language is not English)

Level B2/C1 or equivalent according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), normally translated to: 
- TOEFL ibt: 79
- TOEFL pbt: 550 
- IELTS: 6.5 (overall band)
- Cambridge English Scale 176
- German HZB /z.B. Abiturzeugnis, Fachhochschulreife
- Secondary school certificate and/or university degree where the main language of instruction and examination was English

Mathematical Physics

Proof of an English language level of at least B2 according to the CEFR. The required language proficiency is considered proven if

  • the mother tongue is English,
  • an English-language degree programme is available, or
  • the result of an internationally recognized examination (usually TOEFL) is available

For German applicants, the Abitur certificate is sufficient proof of English language skills.

Medieninformatik / Media Informatics B2/C1 (GER)
Medizininformatik / Medical Informatics Proof of English language proficiency at least at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and German language proficiency at least at level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
Medizinische Strahlenwissenschaft / Medical Radiation Sciences English: B2 CEFR. Deviating from the regulations of the Admission and Matriculation Regulations of the University of Tübingen in § 4a, it is also accepted as proof of English if the Bachelor thesis was written in English and the associated final colloquium was held in English.  
Microbiology and Infection Biology (former: Mikrobiologie)

Englischkenntnisse (B2 GER) müssen durch einen der folgenden Nachweise belegt werden:

  • TOEFL / TOEFL iBT / TOEFL Home edition mit mindestens 79 Punkten bzw. eine von TS/TOEFL festgelegte Äquivalenzprüfung mit entsprechender Punktzahl,
  • IELTS mit mindestens der Stufe 6.5,
  • Cambridge University First Certificate in English (FCE), Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) mit der abgeschlossenen Stufe B2 oder höher.

Befreit von der Vorlage der Sprachzertifikate sind Bewerber mit folgenden Sprachnachweisen:

  • eine anerkannte Hochschulzugangsberechtigung, die in englischer Sprache und in einem Land erworben wurde, dessen Amtssprache Englisch ist;
  • "IB Diploma" nach den Bestimmungen der "International Baccalaureate Organization", mit der Unterrichtssprache Englisch;
  • eine deutsche HZB mit dem Unterrichtsfach Englisch mindestens ab Klasse 8 bis zur Abschlussklasse mit der Abschlussnote mind. „gut“, falls nicht bereits B2 auf der HZB ausgewiesen;
  • ein anerkannter, gänzlich in englischer Sprache abgelegter, mindestens zweijähriger Hochschulabschluss.

Bewerber*innen ohne deutschsprachige Hochschulzugangsberechtigung oder Bachelorzeugnis eines deutschsprachigen Studiengangs: International anerkannter Nachweis deutscher Sprachkenntnisse auf dem Niveau A2.

Molekulare Medizin

Knowledge of English corresponding to level C1 CEFR. Proof is to be provided by means of one of the following tests and requires the achievement of the minimum result mentioned in each case:


a) TOEFL test (minimum overall score of 90 and at least 22 points per section or area of competence of the Internet-Based-TOEFL (TOEFL iBT));
b) IELTS (minimum overall score of 6.5 and at least 6 per section or area of competence;
c) Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English Test (Grade A, B or C);
d) Language Certificate of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (at least level (a) or (b) (corresponds approximately to Council of Europe language competence levels C2 or C1) in each of the areas of competence).

Musikwissenschaft Language skills in English (GER B2), Latin(GER A2) and another modern foreign language (GER B1) are required and must be proven at the latest when registering for the master thesis.

Knowledge of the English language at the level of at least B2 of the CEFR. Proof can be provided, for example, by:

  • Abitur certificate
  • Certificate of a recognized language test (TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge Certificate, UNIcert)
  • If you have completed at least three years of secondary education in an English-speaking country or region
  • By proof of the mother tongue English

Other comparable evidence may be recognised by the selection board.

Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie Adequate knowledge of English must be demonstrated. Knowledge equivalent to level B2 of the CEFR is considered sufficient.
Neural and Behavioural Science  Proof of an internationally recognised examination in English (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS or comparable), if the mother tongue is not English or a degree from an English-speaking school or university is not available. No language test ist required for applicants who can prove a 6-month stay in an English-speaking country and for German applicants who can prove 8 years of English lessons up to the Abitur.
Neurobiology (former: Neurobiologie)

Englischkenntnisse (B2 GER) müssen durch einen der folgenden Nachweise belegt werden:

  • TOEFL / TOEFL iBT / TOEFL Home edition mit mindestens 79 Punkten bzw. eine von TS/TOEFL festgelegte Äquivalenzprüfung mit entsprechender Punktzahl,
  • IELTS mit mindestens der Stufe 6.5,
  • Cambridge University First Certificate in English (FCE), Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) mit der abgeschlossenen Stufe B2 oder höher.

Befreit von der Vorlage der Sprachzertifikate sind Bewerber mit folgenden Sprachnachweisen:

  • eine anerkannte Hochschulzugangsberechtigung, die in englischer Sprache und in einem Land erworben wurde, dessen Amtssprache Englisch ist;
  • "IB Diploma" nach den Bestimmungen der "International Baccalaureate Organization", mit der Unterrichtssprache Englisch;
  • eine deutsche HZB mit dem Unterrichtsfach Englisch mindestens ab Klasse 8 bis zur Abschlussklasse mit der Abschlussnote mind. „gut“, falls nicht bereits B2 auf der HZB ausgewiesen;
  • ein anerkannter, gänzlich in englischer Sprache abgelegter, mindestens zweijähriger Hochschulabschluss.

Bewerber*innen ohne deutschsprachige Hochschulzugangsberechtigung oder Bachelorzeugnis eines deutschsprachigen Studiengangs: International anerkannter Nachweis deutscher Sprachkenntnisse auf dem Niveau A2.

Palaeolithic Archaeology English proficiency B2 CEFR
Peace Research and International Relations

Successful completion of the Master's programme “Peace Research and International Relations” presupposes a good working knowledge of English. Therefore, students have to provide proof of their knowledge of English at the level of Level B2/C1 or equivalent according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

As proof are accepted:

  • TOEFL ibt: 79
  • TOEFL pbt: 550
  • IELTS: 6.5 (overall band)
  • Cambridge English Scale 176
  • UNIcert® III foreign language certificate
  • German HZB (e.g. Abiturzeugnis, Fachhochschulreife) that states the grade for a regular subject English, which has been taken at least since year 7. The last grade or score must be at least "good".
  • A certified secondary school degree obtained in English and in a country whose official language (or one of its official languages) is English.
  • A certified university degree of at least three years’ study duration where the language of studies has been English.

Proof of knowledige is required

  • either the German language at the level corresponding to DSH-2 of the "Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang" (DSH) (this certificate is not required for applicants with German citizenship or German university entrance qualification)
  • or the English language at the level corresponding to level B2 of the CEFR
Politik und Gesellschaft Ostasiens Good knowledge of Chinese, Japanese or Korean at the intermediate level according to the language training at the Department of Sinology and Korean Studies or the Department of Japanese Studies at the University of Tübingen (level B2 of the CEFR).
Population-Based Medicine  English language at the level corresponding to level B2 of the CEFR
Quantitative Data Science Methods: Psychomatrics, Econometrics and Machine Learning

The language of the master’s program is English with the following language requirements (any of the following will be regarded as evidence of proficiency):

  • German Abitur with English as the first or second foreign language, attended until the last year of school (at least "gut").
  • TOEFL iBT test (at least 79 points)
  • IELTS (at least 6.5)
  • Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) (B2 or higher)
  • Accredited university degree of at least three years, entierly taught in English 
  • University entrance qualification obtained in the UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand
Romanische Literaturwissenschaft Proof must be provided of knowledge of the Romance language chosen as the main subject and good knowledge of the Romance language chosen as a subsidiary subject; in addition, knowledge of Latin in the form of the Latin certificate or in the form of two graded certificates from courses of the type "Latin for Romance Studies I and II".
Romanische Sprachwissenschaft Knowledge of a Romance language at leven C1 of the CEFR must be demonstrated.
Schulmanagement und Leadership (Weiterbildungsstudiengang) German and English skills (B2 GER) are required. Evidence for GER B2 English are:

- TOEFL (IBT) with a score of at least 79 or an equivalent exam as determined by TS/TOEFL with an equivalent score;

- IELTS with at least level 6.5;

- Cambridge Certificate FCE, CAE, CPE with completed level B2 or higher;

- a recognized university entrance qualification obtained in English and in a country whose first official language is English or obtained in a sovereign capacity of one of these countries;

- a recognized university degree of at least three years' duration, taken entirely in English; or

- a German HZB with English as a subject of instruction from at least grade 8 up to the final grade with the final grade "good".

Sinologie /

Chinese Studies

Good knowledge of Chinese (Mandarin) at level B2 of the CEFR and knowledge of English at level B2 CEFR must be demonstrated.
Slavistik Selbständige Kenntnisse (Niveau B2 GeR) mind. einer und grundlegende Kenntnisse (Niveau A2 GeR) einer weiteren slavischen Sprache notwendig, die am Slavischen Seminar der Universität studierbar sind. Für den Profilbereich Deutsch-polnische Transkulturelle Studien ist nur Polnisch erforderlich. Es sind hierfür Kenntnisse des Polnischen mind. auf dem Niveau B2 GeR nachzuweisen. Zusätzlich muss über Englischkenntnisse mind. auf dem Niveau B1 GeR verfügt werden, die mind. dem Niveau entsprechen, das einem fünfjährigen aufsteigenden Schulunterricht erreicht wird.
Theologien interreligiös - Interfaith Studies Kenntnisse in einer der vier Sprachen Latein, Griechisch, Hebräisch oder Arabisch (B2 des GER oder entsprechendes Niveau in den alten Sprachen)

Master of Education

Deutsch English and other foreign languages
Englisch English B2 GER
Evangelische Theologie Latinum; Graecum

French C1 GER; other Romance languages A2 GER;
basic knowledge of Latin


English; Latinum;
further foreign languages (passive, reading competence B1 GER)


Greek according to B.Ed. degree; Latinum;
for the master thesis: English B2 GER

Islamische Religionslehre Arabic B2 CEFR; Turkish, Persian or other foreign language from the Islamic cultural area A2 GER

Italian C1 CEFR; other Romance languages A2 CEFR;
Basic knowledge of Latin

Katholische Theologie Latinum; Graecum
Latein Latin equivalent of B.Ed. degree, Graecum;
for the master thesis: English B2 GER
Philosophie / Ethik Latinum or Graecum
Politikwissenschaft English B2 GER
Russisch Russian B2 GER

Spanish C1 GER; other Romance language A2 CEFR;
Basic knowledge of Latin


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