
Offers for Students and Doctoral Candidates

Academic writing is a challenge for many. This applies to first-semester students as well as advanced Master's students or doctoral candidates. The Diversity-Oriented Writing Center fosters your individual potential and collaborates with you to adress your specific questions and needs regarding academic writing.

Writing Consultations

The next writing project is on the horizon and you don't know how and where to start? During a writing consultation, you will receive support in the writing process and feedback on your texts.
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In our workshop, you will aquire the necessary 'know-how' to effectively handle the complex task of writing during your university studies.
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Writing Events

Find out more about our writing events, which offer you the opportunity to concentrate fully on your own writing project and enjoy the special atmosphere of writing in a community.
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Here you can find self-study materials and useful web links on the topic of academic writing.
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