
Job advertisements


Research Associate (m/f/d; E 13 TV-L, 100%, 4 years)

Institute of Educational Science

Application deadline: 24.07.204

At the Institute of Educational Science at the University of Tübingen, the position of

Research Associate (m/f/d; E 13 TV-L, 100%, 4 years)

is to be filled from September 1, 2024, limited until August 31, 2028.

The position is assigned to the research group Teaching and Learning with Digital Media (Prof. Dr. Andreas Lachner) at the Institute of Educational Science. Central content areas of the research group, to which the position should contribute, include the use of (innovative) educational technologies to promote (meta-)cognitive and motivational learning processes in authentic teaching and learning contexts of school and classroom. Another focus is the research on professionalization strategies in the context of digital education. The activities of the research group are closely connected with the Tübingen Center for Digital Education (TüCeDE), an interfaculty and interdisciplinary center of the University of Tübingen.
Within the position, it is expected that an independent research profile in the context of "Teaching and Learning with Educational Technologies" will be developed.

The position is limited to four years. During this time, a habilitation (postdoctoral qualification) should be pursued.

What we offer:

  • A four-year contract remunerated according to E13 TV-L (if necessary, support with visa application through the Welcome Center of the University of Tübingen)
  • Integration into the international and interdisciplinary research environment at Tübingen with its numerous institutions, such as the Institute of Educational Science, TüCeDE, LEAD Graduate School & Research Network, Tübingen School of Education, and external partner institutions
  • Support for the habilitation
  • Opportunities for further education and training
  • Inclusion in a dynamic team of motivated researchers passionate about teaching and learning with digital media

What we expect from you:

  • High methodological research expertise for conducting innovative, independent empirical research in the context of "Teaching and Learning with Digital Media" (preferably using quantitative or mixed-methods approaches with a focus on describing teaching-learning processes)
  • (International) publications of research studies and active participation in professional conferences
  • Promotion and support of early-career researchers at the research group
  • Teaching (4 SWS) within the Master's program "School Research and School Development" and/or the Master of Education (equivalent to two seminars per semester)
  • Supervision of student theses and research interns
  • Taking on tasks within the research group and department
  • Interest in writing grant applications
  • Engagement within the chair and department

What you bring:
A master's equivalent university degree with above-average grades and a relevant, very good doctorate/PhD (e.g., in Educational Science, Psychology, Empirical Educational Research, relevant subject didactics) are required. In-depth knowledge of the use of digital educational technologies in teaching/learning contexts or in the competence development of teachers is desired. Additional knowledge in the area of digital literacy and media education is also desirable. High methodological research expertise, preferably in the empirical-quantitative field, is required for the conceptualization, implementation, evaluation, and publication of research work. We expect strong analytical skills, independent work, excellent organizational skills, and very good communication skills. A confident oral and written expression in English is also required, as is the willingness to familiarize oneself with new fields of work and to participate in regular training.

Severely disabled applicants will be given preferential consideration if equally qualified. 

The University of Tübingen aims to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching and therefore encourages suitably qualified female scientists to apply.

Please submit your application with the usual documents by July 24, 2024, in electronic form (please only one PDF document) to andreas.lachner@uni-tuebingen.de. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Iris Backfisch (iris.backfischspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de) or Prof. Andreas Lachner (andreas.lachnerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de).

The employment is handled by the Central Administration. 
