
Equity: Diversity - Gender - Care at the University of Tübingen

Diversity, Gender Equality and Compatibility: Inclusive Research and Study Conditions are our Creativity Generator

As a top university, we see it as our responsibility to take on the challenges of the future in a globalized society. This also includes developing answers to the requirements of a gender-equitable and diverse university community - perceived as a cross-sectional task for all members.

Team Equity will be happy to support you.

News and events filtered by Diversity - Gender - Care

Equity in Research

A decorative image showing wooden blocks printed with letters that form the word Equality (link to the Center for Gender and Diversity Research (ZGD))
Center for Gender and Diversity Research (ZGD)

Equity in the Studies

 A decorative picture showing different paintbrushes for diversity (link to the Gender and Diversity Certificate page)
Cetificate Gender and Diversity

Equity in the Studies

A decorative picture showing people of different ethnicities putting their hands over each other (link to the page Certificate of Education against Anti-Semitism and Anti-Muslim Racism)
Certificate Education against Anti-Semitism and Anti-Muslim Racism

Quick Access to the Areas of Responsibility of Team Equity

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Active Promotion of Women, Diversity and Care


All fields of Action at a Glance

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Specific Topics of Diversity, Gender, Care

The University regards variety as essential to academic excellence and therefore supports equality between its members.

From the University's mission statement

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