
Tübinger Poetik-Dozentur

The 37th Tübinger Poetik-Dozentur will take place from 11-15 November 2024. All dates and information will be available here shortly.

From 30 October until 3 November 2023, we welcomed Christian Baron and Édouard Louis as guests.




About the Tübingen Poetics Lectureship

The Tübingen Poetics Lectureship is designed to be a forum for cultural exchange. The Lectureship provides students, lecturers, university members, and the wider public from Tübingen and the region an opportunity to meet and engage with prominent German and international authors. It thus initiates and enhances inner-university dialog across disciplinary boundaries and invites cultural exchange between the university and the city, and between the university and the wider region.

The lecture series is designed to focus specifically on the combination of literature and philosophy, science and public debate. The readings and workshops run by each individual lecturer deal with central questions regarding art, culture, politics and philosophy that are of interest to both professional audiences as well as interested individuals in the wider public. The success of the Tubingen Poetics Lectureship over the last few years shows that this format is no contradiction. Indeed, the Lectureship offers a specific form of intellectual discourse that connects literature, scholarship, and the public; a discourse that is often lacking in Germany.

Funding and organisation

The Tübingen Poetics Lectureship project is supported by the Würth Foundation and the events are funded by the Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG, Künzelsau. It has been based in the German Department at the University of Tubingen since 1996, and directed by Prof. Dr. Dorothee Kimmich since 2005. Once a year – usually in November - two authors are invited to give lectures, seminars, and workshops for students at the university. Authors such as Christoph Ransmayr, Jonathan Franzen, Daniel Kehlmann, Juli Zeh, Feridun Zaimoğlu, Ilija Trojanow, Péter Esterházy, Terézia Mora, Lars Gustafsson, Ruth Klüger, Susan Sontag, Amos Oz, Herta Müller, and Günter Grass have taken part in years past.

The Poetics Lectureship is open for anyone interested, and sees itself as a forum for cultural exchange between authors, students, teachers, and the broader public in Tübingen and the region.

Contact the Tübingen Poetics Lectureship

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