
Press Releases Archive


Unseld Lecture: The Crisis of Democracy

British sociologist Colin Crouch talks postdemocracy at the University of Tübingen

Political scientist Colin Crouch believes that citizens today play a merely passive role in policymaking - and that business lobbyists have taken the reins. This is the heart of “postdemocracy,” a term Crouch coined in 2000. His book, Coping with Post-Democracy, led to considerable public debate because it challenged conventional thinking about democracy. Crouch will be speaking at this year’s Unseld Lecture at the University of Tübingen’s FORUM SCIENTIARUM:

  • Public lecture: Tuesday, 21 June, 8:15 pm, Audimax, Geschwister Scholl Platz - Professor Crouch speaks on “Postdemocracy, 20 years on.”
  • Public discussion: Wednesday, 22 June, 8:15 pm, Audimax, Geschwister Scholl Platz - Panel discussion: “Is the European Union compatible with democracy?” with Colin Crouch and Professor Fritz Scharpf (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne).

These events are in German. All welcome; you do not need to register. Colin Crouch will participate in the annual International Master Class, discussing his work with 20 junior researchers.

Colin Crouch (born 1944) is an English sociologist and political scientist. He is currently Emeritus Professor at the University of Warwick. Crouch has criticized the failings of traditional liberal-democratic institutions and the increasingly passive role played by the citizens of such democracies, as well as the ever-greater role of lobbies in policymaking.

Crouch’s key works include: Post-democracy (2005), The Strange Non-death of Neo-liberalism (2011), Making Capitalism Fit for Society (2013), and The Knowledge Corrupters. Hidden Consequences of the Financial Takeover of Public Life (2015).

The Unseld Lectures are sponsored by the Udo Keller Foundation Forum Humanum and Suhrkamp Verlag publishers.


Dr. Niels Weidtmann
University of Tübingen
Forum Scientiarum
Phone: +49 7071 40716-12
<link mail ein fenster zum versenden der>niels.weidtmann[at]fsci.uni-tuebingen.de


University of Tübingen

Founded in 1477, one of Germany’s leading universities in the life sciences as well as in the humanities and social sciences.


A University organization for the promotion of dialogue between the disciplines.

Udo Keller Stiftung Forum Humanum

The Foundation serves to remind us of the importance of the intellectual and spiritual legacy of world cultures in these times in which decisions are increasingly made in terms of technology and economy.

Suhrkamp Verlag

The Suhrkamp publishing house was founded in 1950 by Peter Suhrkamp. It incorporates Insel Verlag, the Deutsche Klassiker Verlag, the Jüdischer Verlag and the Verlag der Weltreligionen, with Edition Unseld launched in 2008.

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
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Press Officer
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