
Press Releases - Archive


Various evolutionary forces shape the human skeleton

Senckenberg Centre for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment at the University of Tübingen explores…

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Database with 2,400 prehistoric sites

The role of culture in human expansions: Large-scale collection of digital data summarizes the…

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How identical twins influence each other's self-perception

University of Tübingen study provides new insights into how young people view their own school…

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Family History at the Shell Mound

A study of the genomic history of coastal societies in eastern South America

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Perfectly preserved turtle fossil gives clues to habitat 150 million years ago

University of Tübingen research team analyzes sea turtle from the Upper Jurassic - when southern…

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Chinese alligator had Asian relatives around 200,000 years ago

University of Tübingen researchers show fossil skull from Thailand belonged to a previously unknown…

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Ravens were attracted to humans’ food more than 30,000 years ago

University of Tübingen and the Senckenberg Centre for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment team…

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