
Project Division A

Project Division A. DEVELOPMENTS

Resources and Processes of Social Change

Project division A. DEVELOPMENTS concentrates on diachronic studies about the role of resources in processes of social and cultural change.

The focus will be on historical situations in which access to raw materials and natural products was granted locally, regionally or continuously through established ways of distribution.

The thematic key aspects of the case studies will be questions addressing resources and the emergence of hierarchies in prehistoric Europe, as well as resource use and the formation of states in the ancient Near East and the Mediterranean.


A 02 Bartelheim/Hardenberg: The Use of Landscape as a Resource and Socio-Cultural Change on the Iberian Peninsula

This project studies the organisation, shaping and control of landscapes as a resource assemblage with an interdisciplinary approach. Taking the Iberian Peninsula as an example the handling of landscapes, their perception and the use of resources is analysed by archaeological and anthropological approaches. The combination of these allows for an interdisciplinary, cultural-anthropological perspective with chronological depth on the socio-cultural dynamics related to landscapes. More

A 03 Pfälzner/Klocke-Daffa: Stones from the South. Exchange of Resources between Mesopotamia and the Region of the Persian Gulf

In a close collaboration of archaeology and cultural anthropology this project investigates the relations between ResourceComplexes, social networks and basic parameters within the context of the emergence and reproduction of societies. The focus is on tangible and intangible goods, which were the basis regional and inter-regional exchange in the area of the Persian Gulf for about 5000 years until present days. More

A 04 Pfälzner/Pernicka: The Development of Palace ResourceCultures in Syria

The project analyses the importance of resources for the social and cultural developments of small and middle sized kingdoms in Syria during the Middle and Late Bronze Age. While during the first phase the focus was on gold as a resource, now during the second phase the ResourceComplexes silver and bronze will be in the focus of studies. To achieve a comprehensive understanding of the technological and cultural links between these ResourceComplexes scientific archaeological will be another key aspect of the project. More

A 05 Kamlah/Riehl/Starkovich: 'The Land flowing with Milk and Honey'. Development and Significance of Agrarian Resources in Bronze and Iron Age Palestine

From the very beginning of SFB 1070 this project is concerned with the history of agriculture in ancient Palestine. During its first phase the focus was on studies and analyses of farming and the interdisciplinary collaboration between Archaeobotany and Biblical Archaeology. In a next step the agrarian ResourceComplexes will be scrutinised to achieve a comprehensive understanding of their interconnections and dynamics within the Bronze and Iron Age ResourceCultures of Palestine. More

A 06 Hermann, Kamlah: Pictures of Change. The Development of Iconographic Resources at the Transition from Bronze to Iron Age in the Eastern Mediterranean

The project studies development in the use of resources during the transition from Bronze to Iron Age in the Levant. While during the first phase the project restricted itself to the southern Levant this next phase will take advantage of the previously achieved results as well as the modified concept of resources used by the Collaborative Research Centre and expand to cover the whole region of the Levant. A new focus will be on political aspects during the transitional phase, characterised by fragmentation and the emergence of new states. This will help to understand in which way political structures, spheres of activity and identities of Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age were continued or transformed. More