
Project Division B

Project Division B. MOVEMENTS

Resources and Spatial Development

Project division B. MOVEMENTS examines resources within the context of processes of spatial development and settlement, discussing resources as an initial point of central importance for these processes.

There will be a focus on resource related preconditions for spatial development, but courses of event, further socio-cultural developments within the newly acquired region, as well as symbolic dimensions of the relevant resources will be included into the research.

B 01 Floss/Conard: Variability of the Use of Resources. Spatial Exploitation by Late Neanderthals and Early Modern Humans in Europe

For our Palaeolithic ancestors animals were an important resource used not only as a source of food or of raw-material to produce clothing and tools, but for other kinds of artefacts as well. During this second phase of funding this relationship of humans and animals will be analysed as a resource assemblage. It will be scrutinised how the use of the resource ‘animals’ could lead to its transformation as well as to a transformation of Palaeolithic society. This also should shed new light on the whether the transition from Neanderthals to Homo Sapiens went along with a re-valuation of the resource ‘animals’. More

B 02 Knopf/Kühn/Scholten: Favor – Disfavor? Development of Resources in Marginal Areas

What is the interconnection between the relocation of settlements from or into favourable or dis-favourable areas and the resource ‘soil’? As in the first phase of the project settlement-dynamics are analysed and checked against phases of use established by the analysis of colluvia. The understanding of the opposing pair favour/disfavour is further developed to be applied to the study of smaller regional units. The Bronze Age was chosen specifically for an in depth analysis of the ResourceComplex composed of settlement, husbandry, knowledge about soils, perception and awareness of erosion, climate and soils. More

B 03 Hirbodian/Schreg: Exploitation of Resources and Ruling Areas in the Middle Ages. Monasteries and Castles

Having analysed the strategies of resource use of clergy, nobility and settlement communities by using monasteries as an example, during the second project phase castles will be scrutinised to shed further light on the use of resources. A special focus will be on regional contexts between Rems and Danube to enhance the interdisciplinary collaboration between Archaeology and History. More

B 04 Posamentir/Lipps: Search for Resources as an Incentive for ‘Processes of Colonisation’? Causal Research Regarding the Foundation of Roman Settlements in Italy and North Africa

What is the role of resources and ResourceComplexes in the planning and establishing of Roman colonial settlements? During the second phase of funding again the development of resources and the interests behind it will be analysed. The project changed its geographical and chronological focus to the time of Roman expansion. More

B 05 Schäfer: Colonisation? Imperialism? Provincialisation? Resources between Conflict and Integration in the Phoenician-Punic West in the 1st Millennium BC

The Phoenician expansion from the Levant into the Western Mediterranean during the 1st mill. BC triggered a number of socio-cultural dynamics. Focussing on the Carthaginian domination (6th – 2nd cent. BC) project B05 analyses these dynamics. Relevant primary data available from ongoing collaborative field projects, for example from Carthage, Pantelleria and Solunt will be studied making use of the methodical approaches developed by SFB 1070. In addition field research will be conducted in the region of the Oued Miliane to the south-west of Carthage. More

B 06 Baten/Bartlheim/Wahl: Humans and Resources in the Migration Period and the Early Middle Ages. Anthropological und Bioarchaeological Analyses of the Use of Food Resources and the Detection of Migrations

Based on the results achieved during the first phase of the project a number of cemeteries of dating from the 8th to the 11th cent. AD will be analysed. Burials near the trade centre of Haithabu and on the islands of Bornholm and Gotland were selected to allow for a study of centre–periphery effect, contacts between Slavic and Scandinavian population groups and the degree of mobility in the Baltic. Three interconnected topics will be examined: 1) questions of migration using strontium-isotopes, 2) the interaction of power, social inequality and the adaption of use and 3) the interaction of the experience of violence with cultural-historical developments. More

B 07 Scholten/Pfälzner: A Hunt for Raw Materials? Dynamics of Settlement Development in the Northern Periphery of Mesopotamia

The expansion of Mesopotamian city states into the northern periphery did not happen because of the economic exploitation of raw materials but because of the political control of road networks. Using a combined archaeological and geological approach the spatial relations between settlements and settlement clusters will be analysed with a diachronic perspective, especially taking exogenous and endogenous influences on the networks into account. Archaeological surveys in different settlement areas will be intensified, while the natural conditions (soil, water, topography) will be included into the establishing of models. More