
Personalities of German People in Tuebingen

by Zamazimba Madi

The first day we arrived as a group in Tuebingen, we were welcomed so warmly by our host family, guides and the coordinator. I felt loved and appreciated, and this eased all the worries and cares that I had predetermined before I came here. 

In South Africa, I was told that Germans were rude people who only ever wanted to further their own agendas, and didn't care about anyone else but themselves. I soon learnt that that wasn't the case and that they were one of the nicest people I had ever met. Countless times, my roommate and I would ask to check our bus, our locations or the time, where which place was and what each thing was in a situation where we couldn't understand German. They were always so eager to assist with a smile and genuine enthusiasm until you were pleased and satisfied. 

At first glance, German people  look intimidating, intense unapproachable, but once you take initiative to greet them, they are the most wonderful people to have conversations with. I have learnt with time that they are reserved people who will always avail themselves to you, but only when it is necessary and upon request as they respect your privacy. They will not start a conversation with you unprovoked, but if you do happen to greet them first and start it, they are happy to continue engaging with you. 

Germans work very hard, are disciplined and monochronic in that, they always finish what they start as they  are task-oriented people. They are generally punctual people who believe that generally, when one respects time they are being respectful towards others. The bus system for example is one of the best as the bus driver collects and delivers people at certain points, and specific times, it is seldom that the bus is ever late. 

Germans are open minded people with a subtle nature, as they prefer to not call you out for your mistakes and wrong decisions directly, but to rather show you. I have personally never experienced any form of racist or any other discriminatory  behavior in my time here even though I am a young black woman in a European country. 

Most Germans in Tuebingen are good people who have respect for each other and themselves. They value romantic, family and friend relations above all else. They are caring, loving and warm people in that, with my time here, never once in these past weeks did I feel that I would rather be in my home country. It had become a second home for me and I hope to one day come back and study here when I finish my medical studies in South Africa. What a great experience it was!