
Data Literacy Certificate

In an increasingly digital world, we are confronted with digital data in almost all areas of life: whether through digital media, which influences our opinions and decisions, data sets that we work with in studies, research and professional life, or data that we as users generate in social media.
In order to provide students with skills in the selection and handling of digital data and the necessary methods and tool knowledge at an early stage, the Dr. Eberle Center for Digital Skills, the University Library and the Transdisciplinary Course Program (TCP) share their expertise in the “Data Literacy” (non-degree) certificate program.

The Dr. Eberle Center for Digital Skills offers courses during the semester with the aim of providing students with practical knowledge of digital technologies, which are necessary, among other things, for handling digital data.bietet an mit dem Ziel, Studierenden praktische Kenntnisse zu digitalen Technologien zu vermitteln, welche u. a. für den Umgang mit digitalen Daten nötig sind.

In addition to programs for reference management and data preparation, the training courses and online offers of the University Library deal with the area of information literacy, which includes topics such as the acquisition and evaluation of information and data.

The courses offered by the Transdisciplinary Course Program (TCP) focus on the fundamental understanding of developments in the field of digitization and artificial intelligence. Students will deal with the importance and the effects of these developments on the individual, society, the economy and other affected areas. This has to be analytically viewed and critically reflected upon. In addition to ethical aspects related to digitization, questions about the critical handling of data play an important role in this context, as more and more decisions are made on this basis. In the current TCP Course Program, you will find an overview containing the currently creditable courses for this certificate.

For the acquisition of this certificate, you have to earn 15 credit points, which are distributed as follows:

1. Compulsory area (3 Credit Points)

The event „Introduction into Data Literacy“ provides a thematic introduction and an overview of the elective areas. It is therefore recommended to attend this course at the beginning of the program.

2. Elective areas (at least 12 Credit Points)

At least 3 credit points must be earned from each of the three elective areas. Optionally, the compulsory course can be used to fulfill an elective area. In order to be able to optionally name an individual focus on the certificate, at least 9 credit points must be earned in one of the three areas.

Practical Use

Introduction into the independent selection and application of digital tools, methods and technologies for data-based questions.


Information Literacy

Mediation of competencies in the acquisition, assessment and evaluation of data as well as their presentation.


Digital Ethics

Critical discussion and analysis of the implications of digitization for politics, society and the economy from different academic perspectives.


Request your certificate

In order to receive this certificate, you must apply to the "Dr. Eberle Zentrum für digitale Kompetenzen " (Dr. Eberle Center for Digital Competencies) after successfully completing the required courses (see above).

When you've finished the required courses, please send an e-mail to: zertifikatspam prevention@eberle-zentrum.uni-tuebingen.de with the following content:

  • Your Name
  • Your matriculation number
  • Your alma Transcript of Records (ToR), which records the courses you completed (as a PDF file)
  • If you have completed courses that have not been credited in alma, you can also attach them

Please note that ungraded courses are often not automatically listed in the ToR. In order for these to appear there, please send an informal e-mail to your responsible Office of Examinations and ask for the relevant courses to be added. Your ToR should then be complete as proof for your certificate application.

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