
An excellent working environment and outstanding development and qualification opportunities are confirmed by the quality seal "HR Excellence in Research" at the University of Tübingen. The audit is based on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter & Code) of the EU Commission. These principles are implemented by the participating institutions with the help of a specially designed action plan. Already more than 600 organizations worldwide participate in the HRS4R audit. These organizations are characterized by an excellent human resources development strategy, open, transparent and performance related recruitment and high-quality continuing education programs. They continue to promote the mobility of researchers and further develop working conditions in the scientific professional field.  

HRS4R at the University of Tübingen

Since 2016, the University of Tübingen has participated in the European Commission's "Human Resources Strategy for Researchers" (HRS4R) audit and since 2017 has been one of the first german universities to carry the “HR Excellence in Research” logo. Continuously, the University of Tübingen works on the further development of its research and working conditions. In 2019, the mid-term evaluation by the Expert Commission was positive, and the re-audit is due in the first half of 2023. To put this into practice, a comprehensive action plan with 40 actions was adopted. The implementation of these measures is intended to increase the attractiveness of the University of Tübingen as an employer and raise its excellent profile. For researchers at the university, the following qualities in particular result:  

  • Excellent research environment  
  • Networking with international research institutions and international mobility 
  • Fair and transparent recruitment procedures 
  • Facilitated application for EU research funds   
  • Excellent career prospects, guidance, and support services  
  • ​​​​​​​Ensuring European standards according to charter and code 

Current Projects

The audit in implementation

Qualification and Career Planning

Certificate Program Leadership in Science, Business & Society for Postdocs 
For early support in the development of leadership skills, the certificate program Leadership in Science, Business & Society has been an important component in the career planning of young scientists since 2018. Further information on the certificate program can be found here. 

Certificate Program Science Management 
For specific qualification for science management, the certificate program of the Graduate Academy offers workshops, coaching sessions and in-depth insights into the professional field. Information about the certificate program can be found here. 

Career counselling for Postdocs 
The potential analysis consists of a survey by means of an online tool and a following analysis interview. This serves the self-reflection and offers many impulses for the further procedure in the career development. You can find the online tool here. 







Leadership Qualification for Professors
The Leadership Qualification Program supports professors in creating efficient work structures and using proven leadership tools.     

Expanded course program for Postdocs 
Since 2015, the course program exclusively for postdoctoral researchers has been continuously expanded, especially in the areas of leadership, management and career development. An insight into our current course program can be found here. 

Overview of mentoring programs for doctoral candidates and Postdocs 
In order to create more visibility of the already existing offers for mentoring programs at the University of Tübingen, a website has been located at the Graduate Academy. More info can be found here. 





Recruitment and Onboarding


Introduction of an online recruitment tool  
To increase transparency and simplify communication in appointment procedures, an online appointment tool is currently being established. 

Welcome package for new employees  
The University of Tübingen welcomes new employees at welcome events. Here you have the opportunity to make contacts as well as receive valuable information.   







Welcome event for new doctoral candidates 
A welcome event for newly accepted doctoral candidates is held annually, offering networking opportunities in particular, but also providing a wealth of information.   





Working conditions

Development of a personnel development concept  
The personnel development concept of the University of Tübingen was adopted in 2017 and has since been implemented, evaluated and continuously developed in its fields of action recruitment, career development and qualification. You can find more information here. 

Development of a doctoral code 
In order to ensure good supervision of all doctoral candidates, a doctoral code has been developed in cooperation with all faculties. The doctoral code will be available here shortly. 

Guidelines for good leadership 
In a university-wide participation process, the University of Tübingen has established the Guidelines for good Leadership. In order to implement these guidelines, the university management supports them with numerous measures. Click here for the guidelines and measures. 







Participation in the "Diversity" Audit and Re-Audit "Family-Friendly University
For the third time in a row, the University of Tübingen received the audit as a family-friendly university in 2020. In 2021, the diversity audit "Shaping Diversity" was also re-audited. Here you can find more information about the family audit and the diversity audit. 

Further implementation of the tenure track model  
The University of Tübingen has been granted a total of 20 tenure track professorships as part of the 1000 Professorships Program of the German federal and state governments, thus laying the foundation for a transparent and more predictable academic career and the further expansion of the tenure track model. Further information on the tenure track model can be found here. 



International Mobility

Expansion of the course program on German scientific culture for international researchers 
4-5 times a year, German scientific culture with all its characteristics is presented in events that are not only informative for international scientists. You can access the current course program here. 

In addition, the Welcome Center supports international researchers during their stay at the University of Tübingen. You can get more information here. 




Ethical and professional aspects


Expansion of the course program on good scientific practice for scientists of all status groups, establishment of an online information platform on scientific integrity 
There is a comprehensive course program on good scientific practice for all status groups from doctorate to professorship, which is constantly being expanded. In order to better anchor the topic in the faculties, internal course instructors from all faculties have been trained to act as multipliers. In addition, a Research Integrity Office was established for the ongoing integration of the principles of good scientific practice. You can access the guidelines for ensuring good scientific practice at the University of Tübingen here. 

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