

Registration for students and enrolled Ph.D. students

Registration for students at the University of Tübingen and enrolled doctoral candidates only via ALMA. You can find our course program on Alma under "Non-faculty Courses".

FAQ: How / where can I register for a course?

Course information

Course structure

Course structure

Note: A placement test for Catalan I (A1, beginner course) is not necessary. If you have existing language skills in Catalan, please contact the Catalan coordination team (see below) or the Foreign Language Center.

The Catalan courses are aimed at students of all disciplines and offer an initial introduction to the Catalan language. Participants will learn to find their way around in a Catalan-speaking environment (everyday life during studies or internships). The course also focuses on functional and sociocultural aspects and strategies that enable learners to communicate in different situations. The target level of the courses corresponds to CEFR level A2.


Gemma Linares i Zapater

Room 204
+ 49 7071 29 77 397

gemma.linaresspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 

Office hours: Tuesdays from 10.00 to 11.00 and by appointment