UNIcert® is a quality seal for the training, examination and certification of foreign languages for future graduates. It establishes a system of training, accreditation and certification specifically for foreign language training at universities, representing a major network throughout Europe.
UNIcert® at the Foreign Language Center
The Foreign Language Center (FSZ) at the University of Tübingen was first accredited according to UNIcert® in 2001. Since then, the number of accredited courses has been continuously expanded and UNIcert® training is now offered in eight of the fourteen languages at the FSZ.
Where are UNIcert® accredited institutions located?
can not only read, write, speak and understand in the foreign language – at different proficiency levels – but can also interact, listen, negotiate and communicate content in a socially appropriate manner
are also able to communicate professionally in their field in the foreign language
are trained in dealing with complex issues and subject-specific materials quickly and flexibly
know more about the target country than the usual clichés
can mediate between cultures as they are more or less familiar with the communication culture of the target country, its academic discourse and the discussion culture of their field – depending on the level achieved.
are effective at solving problems using a variety of authentic sources
are prepared for action-oriented teamwork
are familiar with presentation techniques, academic working methods and working independently
Our language training concept contains five levels which are equivalent to the UNIcert® framework. Certification is offered at the end of each level. Subject-related courses are also offered for UNIcert® levels III and IV. General information on the UNIcert® system can be found under UNIcert® or on the UNIcert® webseite.
Our elementary courses are designed for participants without previous knowledge. Individuals who already have previous knowledge must take a placement test and will be assigned to a specific course.
UNIcert® I
Our beginner courses (Spanish I, Swedish I, etc.) are designed only for participants without previous knowledge. Individuals who already have previous knowledge must take a placement test and will be assigned to a specific course.
UNIcert® II
You must have first completed UNIcert® I or achieve a suitable score in the placement test (C-test) before you can take courses at this level.
UNIcert® III
You must have first completed UNIcert® II level or achieved a suitable score in the placement test (C-test) before you can take courses at this level.
UNIcert® IV
This module is open to all students who a) have obtained the UNIcert® level III certificate or b) have achieved 100 points or more in the placement test (C test). The latter must also pass an oral and written assessment held by the language teaching team at the FSZ.
Oral assessment: Discussion of an article from a selection of two articles sent by the instructor in advance by email. (Duration: 10 minutes)
Written assessment: Commentary on one of the selected articles. (Length: 500 words)
Please refer to the course structure to find out whether the languages are offered at the above levels.
Certificate levels/requirements for obtaining certificates
Certificate levels/requirements for obtaining certificates
UNIcert® Basis
Language training for the UNIcert® I certificate can be divided into two sections; the first section must be worth at least 8 SWS and the second section must be worth at least 4 SWS. The UNIcert® basis certificate can be awarded on completion of the first section.
Training of at least 8 SWS in contact hours as well as appropriate preparation and follow-up tasks amounting to a course workload of at least 240 hours must be completed. Exceptions may be made on consideration of the distance between initial and target skill levels.
UNIcert® I
Requirements for obtaining a UNIcert® I certificate:
attending at least half of the UNIcert® I courses
passing the final course for UNIcert® I
For employees of the University of Tübingen (academic and administrative staff), we offer a separate program for English up to B2/C1 (see language courses for employees)
UNIcert® II
Requirements for obtaining a UNIcert® II certificate:
attending at least half of the UNIcert® II courses
passing the final course for UNIcert® II
UNIcert® III
UNIcert® III exam**
In order to complete this level and obtain the UNIcert® III certificate, all mandatory UNIcert® III courses and a separate UNIcert® III examination must be successfully completed. The examinations for UNIcert® III assess the same level of proficiency but differ in terms of content.
UNIcert® IV (only English)
UNIcert® IV exam**
The UNIcert® IV module Economics and Ethics consists of two modules that can be taken in any order. After successfully completing a single module and completing a project or assignment (min. 2,000 words), you will receive a certificate for 8 ECTS. If you complete both modules and successfully complete the UNIcert® IV module examination, you will receive a UNIcert IV® certificate in Economics and Ethics.
* Certificate based on course examinations and assessments. The courses are consecutive and must be taken in the specified order (language course I, language course II, language course III ...). ** The grades of the UNIcert® courses attended at the corresponding level will be included in the overall grade
Further information on the course structures for each language is given on the Languages/Course structures page.
The following cumulative UNIcert® certificates are issued after personal mail request:
UNIcert® Basis
UNIcert® I
UNIcert® II
Please write a message to unicertspam prevention@fsz.uni-tuebingen.de and request the corresponding UNIcert® certificate. You will then be informed by e-mail when the certificate can be collected from the information desk during the current opening hours or sent to you on receipt of a prepaid return envelope. To issue the certificate, we need:
- Your "Transcript of Records." Please send us your "Transcript of Records" as soon as the results of your language courses of the summer semester 2023 have been registered. - or the scans of the certificates of your successfully attended language courses of the summer semester 2023 .
If you cannot provide any of the above-mentioned proofs, please let us know. We will then find another solution.
UNIcert® certificates III and IV, which you can obtain by taking an examination will continue to be issued automatically.
UNIcert® examinations: UNIcert® III and UNIcert® IV
Once you have passed all required courses for a UNIcert® level, you can take the relevant UNIcert® examination at the Foreign Language Center (FSZ) to obtain a UNIcert® certificate for your course level.
The examination dates above are the dates for the written examination. The dates for the oral examination are individual appointments and usually occur close to the dates of the written examinations. Written and oral examination times will be confirmed to the examination candidates in writing.
Registration form and Declaration (pdf)on whether you have already taken this examination and that you have not already failed the examination at the final attempt.
Registration form for oral examination topics (see below) (Please note the requirements for the oral examination); submit with the associated examination text
If you have any questions about the framework and content of the exams, please feel free to contact the respective language faculty (under Contact) to clarify your questions.
Register for language examinations before terminating your enrollment
You can still take a UNIcert® examination at the Foreign Language Center even if your studies have been completed in the meantime: However, you must register for the examination before terminating your enrollment. This means that you can still take the UNIcert® examination, including any repeat examinations after you have terminated your enrollment.
As soon as the UNIcert® examinations have been assessed and graded, you will receive your examination results from the Foreign Language Center via e-mail. Your examination results will also include individual grades. This official document is usually sufficient as proof for master’s degree applications, academic credit or similar. Certificates are issued at a later date. If possible, the language teaching team will inform you in advance by email whether you have passed the exam. You can then collect the certificate in person on presentation of your ID card at the information desk of the Foreign Language Center during the current opening hours.