

Registration for students and enrolled Ph.D. students

Registration for students at the University of Tübingen and enrolled doctoral candidates only via ALMA. You can find our course program on Alma under "Non-faculty Courses".

FAQ: How / where can I register for a course?

Course information

Course structure

Course structure

Please note that the new course concept Japanese from 02.05.2022 for beginners from Japanese I [GER A1.1] is valid from summer semester 2022. For participants from previous semesters, the version of 24.08.2016 remains valid.

General language Japanese courses at the Foreign Language Center (FSZ) impart basic knowledge of Japanese, introduce language learners to writing (Hiragana, Katakana and 317 Kanji) and present cultural aspects. The Japanese program at the FSZ comprises five courses (each worth 4 SWS). These include preparation for Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Level N3/N4) and are scheduled to allow candidates to complete the last course (Japanese V) in December just before the examination. The UNIcert® system was introduced to the Japanese course in 2015 as part of the re-accreditation program.


After taking an intensive Japanese V course, participants may take the JLPT (Level N3/N4) examination in December. Please refer to the official Japanese Language Proficiency Test website. You can find the registration information on the Japanese Cultural Institute website.


Marianne Serret-Birkenfeld

Room 208

+ 49 7071 29 77 399

marianne.serret-birkenfeldspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 

Office hours: Tuesdays from 10:00 am to 11:30 am and by appointment