
Climate Editorial Team

Journalism in the fight against the climate crisis

Would you like to deal with all facets of the topic of climate and expand your journalistic expertise in the process? Then the climate editorial team at the Centre for Media Competence is the right place for you. As a team, we accompany exciting projects by students from all disciplines on their way to the public. Or we interview, film and produce content ourselves about everything that's on our minds when it comes to the climate. There are no limits to your creativity. Would you like to write an article about the car-free Wilhelmstrasse or create an Insta post about the benefits of veganism? Then go for it!

We welcome everyone, regardless of their degree programme or previous experience. The main thing is that you want to work on exciting climate-related projects.
If you become part of our editorial team as part of the Transdisciplinary Course Programme, you'll also get a few ECTS on top!

Climate Journalism

Climate journalism has been a core competence at the Center for Media Competence since 2023.
Based on the ARD/ZDF Journalism Forum on Climate Change and Sustainability, the ZFM has established a key link to the Climate Journalism Network. The network is constantly exchanging views on the causes, reasons and contexts why the media are finding it so difficult to present the climate crisis in an adequate, interdisciplinary and constructive way. You can also download presentations (PDFs) by Sara Schurmann and Leonie Sontheimer from the Climate Journalism Network here. Click here for Leonie Sontheimer's presentation at Greentech.LIVE.

Together with the network, the ZFM has been offering courses on climate communication and climate journalism from student QA funds since summer semester 2023. The lecturers Sara Schurmann, Raphael Thelen, Katharina Mau and Kristin Langen are experienced journalists and work for national newspapers and magazines (e.g. SPIEGEL, Tagesspiegel, Zeit online) or public broadcasters (e.g. Deutschlandfunk, rbb, ZDF).

Luisa Neubauer's Mediendozentur at the Institute for Media Studies and SWR, in which she posed the systemic question “What do we get from the fossil lifestyle?” and analyzed with razor-sharp precision the points at which our Western-capitalist societies have taken a wrong turn, also paved the way for our entry into the work of our own climate editorial team. Since then, we have been pursuing the answer to what a sustainably restructured and economically viable society of the future could look like in the work of the climate editorial team.

Podcast: On Fire! Climate activism your own way

Is the climate crisis much more threatening than you thought for a long time? Do you feel overwhelmed, shocked and powerless? You're not alone. In our podcast, we want to find out in exciting conversations with different people how you can free yourself from this feeling of being overwhelmed and take action.
Because the good news is: you can. And you can do it your way. We are ON FIRE - are you too?

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Feel free to drop by our editorial office hours on Thursdays from 12 to 2 pm at the ZFM and write us an e-mail or a teams message to Leonie Schwarz or Chiara-Fabienne Gehrig. We look forward to seeing you!

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