
Service Learning - Knowledge in Action!

The teaching and learning format known as Service Learning combines scholastics with social commitment. Students, teachers and non-profit cooperation partners work closely together. To solve a real challenge, the subject matter is developed (learning) and implemented in cooperation with a non-profit partner (service) - a good opportunity to combine theory and practice while making an important contribution to society.

The ZFM has been active for many years with courses in media studies as well as interdisciplinary projects in the area of service learning.

A selection of previous and current projects:


Cross-media coverage of the French Film Days.
partner: Filmtage Tübingen e.V.


Social Clips / CampusTV Live

Development and production of short clips for social media and a live broadcast.
 Watch the live broadcast
partner: Service Learning Projects


Media presentation for exhibitions

Current „Die Humpis in Avignon“. 
partner: Museum Humpis-Quartier Ravensburg


DUICHWIR Alle inklusive. ("YOUMEWE. All inclusive.")

Development and production of short films for inclusion campaign.
 Watch the short films
partner: Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg


Woche für das Leben 2013 (Week for Life 2013)

Development and production of short clips.
 Show example
partner: Diakonie Württemberg und Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart


Nachwuchswerbung Polizei

Development and production of a four-part film.
 Show films
partner: Polizei Baden-Württemberg



Oliver Lichtwald
Wilhelmstraße 50, Room 016
0049 (0)7071 29-76709
oliver.lichtwaldspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de


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