


Growing Up Gravettian: A study of Adolescence in the European Middle Upper Paleolithic

Colloquium by Dr. April Nowell


Time: 21st July, 13:00

Speaker: Dr. April Nowell

Title: Growing Up Gravettian: A study of Adolescence in the European Middle Upper Paleolithic

Abstract: Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood biologically, cognitively, socially, and often spiritually. However, it is more than simply a shift from one state to another. It is also a unique stage of life unto itself, a period of (self) exploration and intense relationships, when individuals begin to take or, rather, try on, adult roles often without the serious consequences that accompany these roles later in life. For this reason, we can expect adolescence to have been a noted and notable phase of life related to, but differentiated from, childhood and adulthood in the  European Gravettian (35,000-25,000 BP). Building on a general framework of adolescence in Upper Paleolithic hunter-gatherer societies we explore the direct bioarchaeological evidence for the lived lives of adolescents in the Gravettian/MUP, including placing them in a wider context by comparing them with buried individuals of other age categories. While our findings suggest that adolescents were valued members of society, there are notable differences related to social norms and mortality patterns.

If you are interested in joining the Colloquium, please send a mail to miri.mertnerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de.
