


The evolution of interactive constellations

Colloquium by Dr. Kenan Hochuli


Time: Tuesday, 09.11.2021, 11am

Speaker: Dr. Kenan Hochuli

Title: The evolution of interactive constellations

What are relevant constellations of interaction that not only accompanied but even facilitated the emergence of language? What evidence do prehistoric architectures and objects offer for milestones in the development of new configurations of co-presence?
In my talk I will explain how I address these questions from an interactional linguistic perspective. First, I present insights to empirical research on the relationship between language, body and space in everyday interaction (on markets, digital platforms and public squares). Then, I discuss findings from archaeology and primatology that offer clues to the evolution of interactional foci.
There will be no results presented in my talk. Rather, I understand my contribution as an invitation to a joint discussion of hypotheses, theories, and problems.


We welcome you all to join us via Zoom and we will send around the specific link on the day before the talk.
