


The evolution of the hominin head: perspectives from the Australopithecus skull

Colloquium by Dr. Amélie Beaudet


Time: Tuesday, 1st of June 2021, 15:15 *sharp*

Speaker: Dr. Amélie Beaudet

Title: "The evolution of the hominin head: perspectives from the Australopithecus skull"

Our exceptionally large and rounded brain, derived dentition with small anterior teeth, and distinct retracted face, are few examples that emphasize the intensity of evolutionary changes in the hominin head. The human head houses essential sensory organs as well as the central nervous system and the masticatory apparatus. As such, tracking time-related changes in the hominin head offers the opportunity to unravel the evolution of fundamental behaviours such as diet, locomotion or even language and, ultimately, the adaptive strategies developed by our ancestors to accommodate changing environments. In this respect, the head of Australopithecus has the potential to provide critical information about how our head evolved and its implications in the emergence of our own genus. In this talk, I will present some of the outcomes of my research on the evolution of the hominin brain and cognition, head mobility, and cranial vascular structures, with a particular focus on Australopithecus. By integrating evidence from the African Plio-Pleistocene fossil record, including the nearly complete skeleton of ‘Little Foot’, as well as advanced imaging techniques, this research provides new insight into the puzzle of human origins.

Link to the paper on "Little Foot": https://elifesciences.org/articles/64804

ZOOM Link: https://zoom.us/j/92111920660

We welcome you all to join us via Zoom.
