


Konferenz “End of Empire“ The British World after 1945

Das Teilprojekt G04 "End of Empire. Re-ordering in Australien, Neuseeland und Kanada, 1960-1980" (BearbeiterInnen: Maike Hausen, Sebastian Koch, Clara-Maria Seltmann, Leitung: Ewald Frie) veranstaltet vom 10. bis 12. Oktober eine internationale Tagung


Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Tagungsankündigung auf H-Soz-Kult sowie auf dem Veranstaltungsflyer und dem Plakat.


The conference “End of Empire. The British World After 1945” seeks productive exchange with other scholars that are interested in transnational and global processes of disintegration and reordering in the postcolonial world following the Second World War. The conference represents an opportunity to present topics and case studies that either attempt to analytically test the categories of decolonization studies or that seek to illustrate the way in which British decolonization was embedded in broader global processes. The conference is structured in the following three panels, that were developed in reference to the main approaches and questions of the Tuebingen based End of Empire project.



Wednesday, 10 October

Location: Neue Aula, Großer Senat, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz, Tuebingen

18:00 Keynote 1 – Distempers of Decline: The Identity Pandemic at Empire’s End
(Stuart Ward, University of Copenhagen)


Thursday, 11 October

Location: Alte Aula, Muenzgasse 30, Tuebingen

9:00 Opening Remarks

(Ewald Frie, University of Tuebingen)
9:20-12:00 Panel I: Conceptions of Identity in the

Postcolonial Era

Breaking the ‘Conspiracy of Silence’ after Empire? Biculturalism, Multiculturalism and Indigeneity as a Strategy of Memory Practices in Canada and Australia
(Sebastian Koch, University of Tuebingen)

The End of the British World and the Redefinition of Citizenship in Canada and Aotearoa New Zealand, 1950s-1970s: Comparisons (Jatinder Mann, Hong Kong Baptist University)

Overseas Indians in British Colonies. Entanglements of Diplomacy and Identity within the ‘Commonwealth Family’ (Kalathmika Natarajan, University of Copenhagen)

Social Belonging in a Post-Colonial Age: National Identity, „Britishness”, and the Internal Decolonisation of Great Britain (Almuth Ebke, University of Mannheim)

13:30-17:00 Panel II: Spaces of Commonwealth Foreign Policy at the End of Empire

End of Empire ‒ Rise of the Nation State? The Dissolution of the British Empire and the Debate on the Fate of the Nation State after the Second World War
(Martin Deuerlein, University of Tuebingen)

“A Matter of Bread and Butter and Bullets”. Framing an Asian Threat in Security Discussions among Australia, Canada and New Zealand in the 1960s
(Maike Hausen, University of Tuebingen)

Old Boys’ Networks, British Institutions and the Persistence of a British Sphere in an Era of Globalisation
(Sarah Stockwell, King’s College London)

The African End of Empire and the British World after 1945 (Christian Damm Pedersen, University of Southern Denmark)

No More ‘Lifeline’: The End of Empire, ANZUS and the Collapse of Australia’s Cold War Policy
(James Curran, University of Sydney)

18:00 Keynote 2 – On a Personal Note: Reflections and Thoughts on the End of Empire
(Graeme Davison, Monash University Melbourne)


Friday, 12 October

Location: Alte Aula, Muenzgasse 30, Tuebingen

9:00-12:00 Panel III: Economy and New Cultural History at the End of Empire

„Ganging-up on Britain“? Australia, Canada and New Zealand during Great Britain‘s Turn to Europe, 1958-1973 (Clara-Maria Seltmann, University of Tuebingen)

A Brutal Snapping of the Anglo-New Zealand Nexus? (David Hall)

John McEwen and the Reordering of Australasian Trade Relations in Response to Britain's Retreat from Empire, 1949- 1971
(Philippa Mein-Smith, University of Tasmania & University of Canterbury)

11:20 Commentary

(Jan Eckel, University of Tuebingen)
