
TÜ-VIP February / October

It's ONLINE and it's FREE!

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Click here to view all our TÜ-VIP February 2025 courses
... and click here to apply! (TÜ-VIP February 2025)

One lesson each week for ten weeks... starting in February or October

Imagine meeting once a week with students from around the world to talk about things that truly matter to you, in real-time! TÜ-VIP is a 10-week online program offering courses on Sustainability, Politics, Intercultural Communication, German and other language courses, as well as classes on Identity, Culture, and Human Rights. We even have an online buddy program so you can get to know Tübingen and what life is like here. Our courses can be taken in addition to your studies at home while opening doors for networking and future careers. TÜ-VIP courses prepare you perfectly for a later stay abroad, possibly at Tübingen University. TÜ-VIP is also open for those returning home after studying here!

All our courses are completely free of charge.

We have already opened applications to our TÜ-VIP February program 2025! Check out the course descriptions and fill out the application form to secure your place now!

TÜ-VIP is open to undergraduate and graduate students from North and South America, Africa, Asia and Europe, from all fields of study and with an interest in the program. Priority will be given to students who actually intend to study in person at the University of Tübingen.

The program is also open to students of the University of Tübingen.

New in the program: A Wolof language course with intercultural information on Senegal (taught by a Professor from Dakar) and a course designed especially for all our CIVIS and European students on "European Identities in a Globalizing World". We will also be offering a course on The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and a course on Gender Equality! 

Important news for future exchange students: Please note that you will be able to transfer all ECTS/credits gained in any TÜ-VIP course to your exchange semester at Tübingen University. Write us a mail if you wish to make use of this great opportunity!

For our Tübingen students: TÜ-VIP is an excellent opportunity to meet international students from around the world (possibly from a partner university where you want to spend your year abroad) and to increase your intercultural competence by engaging in meaningful intercultural team work and cooperation! Students of the University of Tübingen can acquire CPs by attending these courses. Bachelor students of the University of Tübingen can have these CPs credited as part of the module Key Qualifications. Furthermore, there is the option for students of the University of Tübingen (bachelor and master level) to get these CPs credited as part of the certificate Global Awareness (see https://uni-tuebingen.de/de/204780).

Participants must be enrolled as students at their home university and must have a very good command of English to be able to follow the courses.

Please note: Online international participants of TÜ-VIP will not be enrolled as students of the University of Tübingen.

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