
Organization of your Erasmus+ semester stay

BEFORE your stay:

Recognition of academic credits achieved

Arrange a consultation appointment with the Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator before your stay abroad. Talk to the Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator about your course choice, the Learning Agreement and the process for the recognition of credits. You should also enquire about this process at your examination office.

As most Erasmus+ stays take place in the European Bologna Higher Education Area, the coursework completed abroad should generally be recognized. 

Leave of absence / re-registration at the home university

Please re-enroll at the University of Tübingen by the specified deadlines. A leave of absence for a study abroad at a partner university is not possible.

On the website of the Student Administration office you will find

ECTS credit points and scholarship

The EU Commission recommends taking 30 ECTS per semester abroad. Before your stay abroad, discuss with the Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator which conditions apply at your department and the host university.

If you achieve fewer ECTS points than planned, e.g. by failing examinations, you will still be eligible for the Erasmus+ scholarship. 

The host university will provide you with an overview of your achievements (Transcript of Records). This document must be submitted in order to receive the scholarship and serves to recognize your achievements.

Application from outside the subject area

If there is no Erasmus+ agreement with your department for the desired partner university, you can apply via another department. 

This option is available if

  • the places there remain unused
  • the Departmental Coordinator is accepting applicants from a different subject area
  • the partner university accepts applicants from other disciplines.

Nevertheless, please arrange an additional consultation with the Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator for your subject area you are enrolled in. The course selection must be signed by the Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator of your department.


Preparatory language courses

  • Free online language test (OLS): The EU Commission is presenting the Online Language Support Plattform free language courses, which you can use at any time. The courses are available in the following languages: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovakian, Spanish, Swedish. Registered Erasmus+ students are automatically assigned a language test after registering in our applicant portal, which is mandatory. Native speakers are exempt from taking the test.
  • Language courses at the host university: Most European universities offer 4 to 6-week preparatory language courses, which usually take place before the start of the respective semester (the Erasmus+ mobility grant can also be awarded for this period, but not for any course fees incurred). In addition, language courses often take place during the semester (in this case, the additional funding does not apply, as the study period remains unchanged).
  • The Foreign Language Center of the University of Tübingen also offers language courses at various levels.


Insurance coverage

You are responsible for ensuring that you have adequate insurance cover for the duration of your stay abroad.

In the case of intra-European mobility, your national health insurance with the European Health Insurance Card also offers basic insurance cover for your stay in another EU country. However, this basic insurance cover may be insufficient, especially if repatriation or special medical procedures are necessary or in the case of mobility abroad. In such cases, supplementary private health insurance may be necessary. Liability and accident insurance policies cover damage that you may cause or that may happen to you during your stay abroad. Different regulations apply to these insurances in different countries. Find out about the regulations at the host institution. In addition to the above-mentioned insurances, insurance against loss or theft of documents, tickets and luggage is recommended.

Erasmus+ students have the option of being included in the DAAD group insurance, which offers comprehensive insurance cover:

DAAD Insurance Office:
Email: versicherungsstelle@daad.de



DURING your stay:

Cancellation of your stay

If you do not start your stay abroad or have to terminate it, you are obliged to inform the Departmental Coordinators at the host and home universities and the Erasmus+ office of the International Office immediately.

The Erasmus+ mobility grant received up to that point must be repaid in full or in part.

Extension of your stay

Extensions of stay from one to two semesters that are only applied for during the stay will not be funded. An extension can only be approved after consultation with the Erasmus+ Departmental coordinators of the home and host universities. After approval, please inform the Erasmus+ office of the University of Tübingen by December 15th at the latest.

An extension of the stay is only possible from winter to summer semester. Two-semester stays from summer to winter semester count as two separate mobilities and require two applications. 

AFTER your stay:

Recognition of credits

The host university will provide you with an overview of your achievements (Transcript of Records). This document must be submitted in order to receive the scholarship. If the Transcript of Records is sent to the Erasmus+ office directly, we will forward it to you. 

If you achieve fewer ECTS points than planned, e.g. due to failed examinations, you are still eligible for the Erasmus+ scholarship. 

You must also submit to us the final notification from the department or examination office regarding the recognition of the coursework completed abroad.

A Diploma Supplement may be issued for non-credited achievements - please contact the examination office of your department.

 IMPORTANT: It may take several weeks to issue a certificate of credit transfer or to transfer your achievements to the Tübingen Transcript of Records. You should therefore submit your foreign transcript to the examination office once you have received it.

Transfer of credits and grades

Please contact your department to find out how credits and grads are transferred to the German grading system.

Erasmus+ student mobility

outgoingspam prevention@erasmus.uni-tuebingen.de
 +49 7071 29-76450
 +49 7071 29-77496
 Wilhelmstraße 9
     72074 Tübingen