
Staff Mobility (Erasmus+)

Are you a researcher or other staff member at the University of Tübingen and are planning to spend some time at one of our partner universities outside Germany, teaching or doing further training?

This page provides links to important information about the Erasmus+ teaching/training abroad program - as well as about the online application process.

If you plan to apply for funding of your Erasmus+ mobility, you must contact our exchanges section - Austauschprogramme (Dezernat V International Office) as early as possible.

Erasmus+ program

Erasmus+: funded mobilites for Teaching and Training

The Erasmus+ program offers the opportunity to provide funding for the mobility of lecturers and university staff for the purpose of Teaching or Training.

Since 1987, the EU supports the mobility of students and teaching staff in Europe through the Erasmus program. In addition to the European program (KA131), there is another program for "Mobilities with partner countries (KA171)" for partners in regions outside of the EU active since 2015.

Staff Mobility (ST) with Erasmus+:

  • Teaching Assignments (STA)
  • Training (STT), f.e. Work Shadowing, Staff Weeks, Language courses, Workshops, Trainings, Participation in conferences under special circumstances


All countries of the European Union, EFTA-countries and Turkey, as well as a selection of partner countries outside of the EU.


If you have any questions about Staff Mobility funded by Erasmus+ at the University of Tübingen, you can always visit the Erasmus Office in Dezernat V Wilhelmstraße 9. We are looking forward to your questions and your applications!

Tübingen and Erasmus+:

The Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen has over 650 cooperations with around 350 universities abroad within the Erasmus+ program.

Erasmus+ programs are based on subject-specific agreements between departments or institutes of the Eberhard Karls University and partner universities. Individual applications for Teaching Assignments (STA) without such agreements are not possible. In line with Erasmus+, the University of Tübingen has implemented the web portal MOBILITY ONLINE. Applications are only accepted online through this portal.


Eligible Participants:

All staff members of the University of Tübingen and the university hospital (UKT) are eligible for Erasmus+ funding in principle. The mobility has to be related to the professional development of the staff member and fulfill sufficient requirements for educational and personal development.

Teaching staff or lecturers can only be funded by the Erasmus + Program, if they have a working contract with the university.

Funding rates:

The amount of the Erasmus+ travel grants is dependent on the travel expense guidelines and the available funds. The current fund rates are dependent on the host country. The travel grants are based on the distance from Tübingen to the host institution.

The fund rate for all Erasmus+ worldwide partner countries is 180€ per day from day 1 to day 14. From day 15 onwards, the rate drops down to 126€ a day. Travel grants are awarded based on the distance from Tübingen to the host institution.

The fund rate for Erasmus+ worldwide Incoming mobilities is 160€ per day from day 1 to day 14. From day 15 onwards, the rate drops down to 116€ a day. Travel grants are awarded based on the distance from the home university to the university of Tübingen.

Duration of funding:

The duration can be 2 days up to 2 months (60 days), depending on the availiability of funds and only in coordination with the Erasmus office. Travel and accommodation expenses are calculated as blanket costs. The funding rates are in accordance with the guidelines from the NA-DAAD. Repeated funding within one year is possible.

Green Travel:

Sustainability and climate protection are an important part of the Erasmus+ Program. Therefore, Green Travel is being funded additionally from now on. Travels fall under Green Travel, if they are carried out using at least 50% sustainable means of transport (f.e. train, bus, car sharing). Persons who travel sustainably can receive an additional top-up to their travel expenses, as well as additional travel days. For more information on how to plan your sustainable mobility, please contact Ms. Hartich.


The complete and detailed application process can be found in this Checkliste.

Before the application:

Please contact the Erasmus staff mobility office ahead of time, at least 6 weeks before your mobility. You should also discuss your planned mobility with your supervisor and  the host institution. The department for human resources should be informed about the mobility through a Dienstreiseantrag (travel authorisation request), as well as the Formular zur Entsendung (form of deployment). Please also take note of the general references for business trips (Allgemeinen Hinweise zu Dienstreisen) from the department of human resources.

Before your mobility:

As a first step, you have to send in an application through our web portal Mobility Online. There are two separte forms, one for Teaching assignments/Lehrendenmobilität (STA) and one for Training/Personalmobilität (STT). Once you have submitted your application and completed the registration in the portal, you can upload the following documents in the order they are listed:

  • Invitation letter/Einladungsschreiben
  • Travel authorisation request/Dienstreisegenehmigung
  • (Optional Green Travel: sworn declaration/Ehrenwörtliche Erklärung)
  • Mobility Agreement
  • Grant Agreement

Please take into consideration that Staff mobilities for teaching assignments (STA) can only be funded if they fulfill the minimum number of 8 teaching hours per week (5 days). If you combine a teaching assignment with a training, the minimum number can be reduced to 4 hours per week. 

During your mobility:

Collect all original receipts and invoices from your accommodation and your travel (plane tickets, train tickets, petrol receipts, etc.) for the travel expense report/Reisekostenrechnung. Ask the host institution to issue a Confirmation of Stay/Aufenthaltsbestätigung as proof that you have successfully completed your mobility.

After your mobility:

Before the payment of the funding can be issued, you have to complete the following steps:

  • fill out the lecturer report/Dozentenbericht in Mobility Online
  • upload the Confirmation of Stay/Aufenthaltsbestätigung
  • fill out the EU Participant Survey
  • send the travel expense report to the Erasmus staff mobility office

Please note that the travel cost center/Reisekostenstelle will perform a comparative calculation according to the Landesreisekostengesetz (LRKG). Therefore, processing your documents can take some time. Processing and payment of the funding is only possible once all the steps above have been completed because they have been specified by the NA-DAAD. If the amount of the funding that has been originally calculated exceeds the amount that you have actually spent, you will have to pay taxes for the surplus amount.

General information for business travel

Please take note of the general information for business travel (Allgemeinen Hinweise zu Dienstreisen) on the website of the department for business travel, travel expenses and excursions (Department of Human Resources).

Travel expenses: Please note that every travel that is funded by Erasmus+ requires not only a travel authorisation request, but also, as of 01.​01.​2019, a travel expense report including all the receipts after the mobility is completed. The person who has applied for funding is also commiting to submiting a travel expense report (Reisekostenrechnung) including the original receipts from their mobility. You can find the form here: https://uni-tuebingen.de/de/672.

Form of deployment/Entsendebescheinigung: The department of human resources is requesting an additional form of deployment (Formular zur Entsendung/A1-Bescheinigung) for travels abroad. It has to be sent along with the travel authorisation request to the department of human resources. Since it can take up to 6 weeks to receive the certificate from the LBV, the application process for Erasmus+ funding should be started at least 6 weeks ahead of your mobility. For more information on the matter, please contact the Erasmus staff mobility office or the department of human resources.

Krisenvorsorgeliste "ELEFAND": The Federal Foreign Office offers all German citizens the opportunity to register in the Krisenvorsorgeliste "ELEFAND" (Elektronische Erfassung von Deutschen im Ausland). The registration is not linked to the travel destination or duration. It is an opportunity for travellers to be contacted by the embassy or the consulate general and receive important information in case of emergency. We recommend you to take advantage of this opportunity.



New regulations starting April 1st 2024:

The duration of funding for Erasmus+ staff mobilities is now limited to a maximum of 14 days per academic year. Only the days of actual teaching/training count towards this limit. Travel days for arrival or departure, as well as additional travel days for Green Travel, are counted separately, but have to be proven as necessary. The 14 days can also be split into a maximum of 2 mobilities during the academic year. These new regulations were established so that we can ensure that all staff members can profit from the Erasmus+ programm equally.

The new regulations only apply to Erasmus+ mobilities inside of Europe. Erasmus+ worldwide mobilities will continue to be carried out in the same way as before.

Staff members should not have to choose between their engagement in the European university alliance CIVIS and their own projects outside of CIVIS. Therefore, mobilities associated with CIVIS will not fall under the previously mentioned regulations. There is an additional contingent of up to 2 mobilities/14 days for CIVIS mobilities available.

If you have already applied for funding before April 1st 2024, your mobility does not fall under the new regulations and will be carried out as planned. If you are currently planning a mobility for the current academic year, please take the new regulations into consideration.

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