


CIVIS - Blended Intensive Program successfully realized

First-time Blended Intensive Program “The Role of Sport and Exercise on Mental Health” in the framework of the European University Alliance CIVIS successfully realized.

Within the framework of the European University Alliance CIVIS, a Blended Intensive Program ‘The Role of Sport and Exercise on Mental Health’ was realized in a cooperation between universities from Athens, Brussels, Madrid, Lausanne and Tübingen. The program was split into two parts: first, a weeklong in-person collaboration in October at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, followed by a virtual part until December – both of which executed successfully.

From the University of Tübingen, the Institute of Sports Science (Prof. Dr. Gorden Sudeck, Dr. Jannika John) joined the University Hospital of Tübingen’s Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy (Prof. Dr. Katrin Gielf, Prof. Dr. Andreas Stengel) in implementing the various components of the educational program. Here, the interdisciplinary character of the program was evident, a character further made visible by the active participation of students from the fields of sports science, psychology and medicine. The students and professors profited from the intensive interdisciplinary – and most importantly international – exchange on the topic. Students and professors from 9 CIVIS universities from various European countries were thus able to convene and gather both academic as well as sociocultural experiences from their participation in the program.

The program was funded with co-financing through ERASMUS+ and is organized within the CIVIS Health Hub. At the CIVIS Health Hub Days in Lausanne in December, further concrete steps towards the continuation of the successful collaboration were undertaken.
