


Conference: Between Emotion & Reason: Exploring the Operational Logic of Morality

11 & 12 May 2023  |  International Conference  |  Alte Aula, Tübingen

This conference brings together qualitative social scientists to discuss the operational logic of moralization, with particular attention to the interaction of emotionalizations and rationalizations. When using the term moralization, we draw on recent neopragmatist and praxeological approaches to the sociology of morality, which emphasize the quotidian practical relevance of references to morality. These perspectives allow to ask what happens when “something” is treated as a question of morality. We depart from the evidence that people’s relation to the world changes when they consider something under the auspices of morality. In order to explore this process, we understand moralization as practice, a modulative intervention that triggers those changes of relationship to the world.

Moralizations rely on implicit or explicit references to rational properties of everyday reasoning that make it appear plausible to wonder why a certain value or a common good (fairness, prosperity, integrity, solidarity, reciprocity etc.) becomes relevant in a specific situation. Focusing on the pragmatics of moralization, we can ask how and when actors refer to moral justifications, values and forms of moral reasoning and which effects they have on social situations. However, moralizations are shaped not only by their rational properties or the ways in which they are rationalized, but also by the emotions they evoke and the rules of feeling associated with them. Solidarity, care, honor, guilt, anger, disgust, fear, envy, or shame are emotions mobilized by moral frames and scripts that interact with the rational properties of moral reasoning.

Some of the questions we would like to address with the conference are: 

  • How is the relationship of rationalizations and emotionalizations played out in practice?
  • How do moral interventions modify social dynamics?
  • What kinds of dynamics do they trigger?
  • What moral emotions are evoked and how do they affect social dynamics and group formation?
  • What role do scripts of confrontation or scripts of inclusion play in the context of moralization processes?
  • Can we identify groups or types of moral entrepreneurs working for the moralization of social situations or discourses?
  • What are the broader structures of local, national and transnational moral economies that help us better understand recent processes of social change and polarization?


Download: Conference Programme

Registration: morality.conference.tuebingenspam prevention@gmail.com



Manuel Dieterich
University of Tübingen
CRC 923 "Threatened Order: Societies under Stress"
manuel.dieterichspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Damián O. Martínez
Universität Murcia
Department of Sociology
damian.martinezspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Boris Nieswand
University of Tübingen
CRC 923 "Threatened Order: Societies under Stress"
boris.nieswandspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de



Thorsten Zachary
University of Tübingen
CRC 923 "Threatened Order: Societies under Stress"
Public Relations & Science Communication
+49 7071 29-75095
thorsten.zacharyspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

