
Dr. des. Mohammad Karami


SFB 1070 RessourcenKulturen

Gartenstaße 29

Room 115
72074 Tübingen

Email: mohammad.karamispam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de


A 03: Stones from the South Resource Complexes in Southeastern Iran in the Context of Regional and Interregional Networks


Academic Education

since July 2017 Post Doc and scientific member in the SFB ResourceCultures
Oct. 2015 - July 2017 Post Doc and scientific member in the SFB ResourceCultures
June 2015 - Dec. 2015 Academic Staff in Deutschen Archäologischen Institut, Germany
Oct. 2014 - July 2015 Research Assistant in Iran Archaeological Project by the University Tübingen (IANES - Vorderasiatische Archäologie - SFB 1070, Teilprojekt A 03)
2002 - 2010 Employee (Academic Staff) of the National Museum of Iran, Tehran


Research Focuses

  • Neolithic and Chalcolithic Periods in the South of Iran


Honours, Grants, Scholarships

  • Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Scholarship from 01.10.2010 to 30.03.2014