LEAD Graduate School & Research Network

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Latest Press Releases

21th of December 2023

Pupils who get good grades are usually also popular

A University of Tübingen study shows that – contrary to many clichés – high-performing pupils are also well integrated in their classes

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Press review


Pforzheimer Zeitung: Geistiges Futter für hungrige Mathematik-Asse

Hector-Kinderakademie bereitet Kinder auf Mathematik-Olympiade vor

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Schwäbisches Tagblatt: Opening of the School of Education

Cooperation with the Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology and the LEAD…

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Schwäbisches Tagblatt: Eröffnung School of Education

Kooperation mit dem Hector-Institut für Empirische Bildungsforschung und der Graduiertenschule LEAD

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