Tübingen Structural Microscopy (TSM)

Electron microscopes


The TSM core facility coordinates access to a number of different electron microscopes (FIB, SEM, TEMElectron probe microanalyzer) and as well as corresponding auxiliary devices.


Focussed Ion Beam (FIB)

Zeiss Crossbeam 550L (Cryo-FIB-SEM)

  • equipped with a field emission gun and two air lock systems for sample exchange for room temperature and cryo samples
  • multiple detectors (Inlens SE, SESI, ESB, BSE, STEM), UniGIS System (C, PT), XEI Evactron Zephyr Plasma Cleaner, EDS/EDX detector (UltimMax 100 /   AZtecEnergy Advanced)
  • Kleindiek Micromanipulator for lamella lift out
  • Software packages: SmartSEM, SmartFIB,Atlas, Atas 3D

Location: GUZ, Level 2, room E2P02

Contact: Dr. Stefan Fischer 07071 29 78929    email


Scanning electron microscopes (SEM)

LEO Modell 1450 VP


- Tungsten cathode
- equipped with 4-quadrant BSE detector
- EDX-System: INCA Energy 300 (Oxford) (Not applicable at the moment)
- Cathodoluminescence Model ASK SEM-CL View VIS


Location: GUZ (E2 Room 2L02)

contact: Hartmut Schulz  07071 29 72496  email

Zeiss EVO LS 10


- 1-15kV Scanning Electron microscope


- LaB6 cathode

- Backscatter detector

- Emitech K1250X Cryo preparation unit

Location: E-Bau (Auf der Morgenstelle 28), level 2, room E2H11

Contact: Monika Meinert 07071 29 76961 email

Thermo Fisher Phenom XL


​​​​​​- Tabletop Electron Microscope


- CeB6 electron gun

- 5 kV/20 kV observation condition

- energy dispersive spectrometer eqipped with SDD

- SE and BSE (COMPO, TOPO mode) detector

Location: GUZ, level 5, room 5B41

Contact: Dr. Sebastian Staude, phone 2973080, email





- Tabletop Electron Microscope


- T electron gun

- 5 kV/15 kV observation condition

- energy dispersive spectrometer eqipped with SDD

- SE and BSE (COMPO, TOPO mode) detector

Location: GUZ, level 5, room 5B41

Contact: Dr. Sebastian Staude, phone 2973080, email

Transmission electron microscopes (TEM)

FEI Tecnai 10


- 80 -100kV acceleration voltage,  LaB6 cathode


- equipped with a Gatan RIO 9 digital camera (3K, side-mount)

- digital compustage and Imagingsoftware allows for large scale stitching of image tiles.

Location: E-Bau (Auf der Morgenstelle 28), Level 2, room E2H08

Contact: Julia Straube  07071 29 77587  email    ; Prof. Dr. Oliver Betz 07071 29 72995  email

Jeol JEM TEM 1400plus


- 120 kV accelerating voltage


- Tietz TemCam F-416 CMOS camera (4K)

- Goniometer

- CLEM Software

Location:   ZMBP (Auf der Morgenstelle 32), level 3, room 3W04

Contact: Dr. Sandra Richter   07071 29 76662  email

Electron Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA)



- W or LaB6 electron gun


- five wavelength-dispersive spectrometers (WDS), detectable element range Be - U

- energy dispersive spectrometer eqipped with SDD

- secondary electron (SE), backscattered electron (BE: COMPO, TOPO mode) and cathode-luminescence (CL) detector

Location: GUZ, level 2, room 2M02

Contact: Dr. Sebastian Staude, 2973080, email


Dr. Stefan Fischer (Head of TSM Core Facility)


+49 7071 29-78929