
Postdoc Days 2024

On September 18th and 19th 2024 the third Postdoc Days will take place at the University of Tübingen for postdocs, junior research group leaders and junior professors. At the event participants are invited to learn about the various supporting structures at the University of Tübingen, get specific and condensed information on individual topics of the postdoc phase and meet with other postdocs.

To achieve this, the Graduate Academy and the Research Funding Office, in cooperation with the faculties and central supporting structures, put together a diverse program with virtual and in-person meetings.

We are looking forward to welcoming many of you at the Postdoc Days in 2024!

September 18th

Online Workshops (via Zoom) and an in-person event in the evening.

Procedure and Registration see below!

September 19th

Online Workshops (via Zoom)

Procedure and Registration see below!


The registration for the online workshops and for the evening event is done via Eveeno. Please find the corresponding link for each event below in the event description.

Please note that registration works via the external platform Eveeno. You can find the participant statement concerning data protection here. If you have any questions, please contact infospam prevention@graduiertenakademie.uni-tuebingen.de.

18th September 2024

09:00 - 10:00 Funding Opportunities for Early Career Researchers

Workshop with Dr. Marion Jäger and Dr. Sonja Großmann
Target Group:
Early Postdoc Phase
Workshop Language: English
Date: 18.09.2024, 09:00 - 10:00 via Zoom

This workshop offers a short overview of different funding options for Postdocs in an early career phase after their PhD. It will inform about funding options by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and other foundations, intramural programmes and funding programmes by the EU. The session will cover how to get funding for your own position as well as how to get additional funds in case that you already have a position.


09:00 - 10:00 ​The What, Why & How of Outreach, Science Communication, Public Engagement

Workshop with Patrick Klügel
Target Group: 
Early Postdoc Phase, Advanced Postdoc Phase, Junior Professors
Workshop Language: English
Date: 18.09.2024, 09:00 - 10:00 via Zoom

In this workshop we introduce some key concepts and modern standards of strategic public engagement. You will also be directed to resources and materials that will be useful for your own future public engagement practice. Using best practices, we discuss how public engagement can not only be helpful for a scientific career, but also fun. And finally, we will show you some of the support possibilities at the University of Tübingen for your own project ideas and for your science communication. 


10:15 - 11:15 Funding Opportunities for Advanced Postdocs

Workshop with Dr. Marion Jäger and Dr. Sonja Großmann
Target Group:
Advanced Postdoc Phase and Junior Professors
Workshop Language: English
Date: 18.09.2024, 10:15 - 11:15 via Zoom

This workshop offers a short overview of different funding options for Advanced Postdocs (3 or more years after PhD) and Junior professors. We will present the funding programmes of the German Research Foundation (especially Emmy-Noether and Heisenberg), intramural programmes and funding programmes by the EU. The session will cover how to get funding for your own position as well as how to get additional funds for your research group.


10:15 - 11:15 ​The Magic of the Beginning: Creating a Learning Environment, Enabling Learning​

Workshop with Manuel Halseband
Target Group: Early Postdoc Phase, Advanced Postdoc Phase, Junior Professors
Workshop Language: English
Date: 18.09.2024, 10:15 -11:15 via Zoom

In this workshop we will look at what characterizes initial situations in seminars and how we as teachers can influence them to improve learning. 


11:30 - 12:30 Professor*in werden, auch ohne Habilitation? An FH/HAW und DH! (German)

Workshop with Prof. Dr. Margot Körber-Weik and Prof. Dr. Karin Melzer
Target Group:
Early Postdoc Phase, Advanced Postdoc Phase and Juniorprofessors
Workshop Language: German
Date: 18.09.2024, 11:30 - 12:30 via Zoom

  • Kurzvortrag über Wege zu Professuren an FH/HAW und DH (Fachhochschule/ Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften und Duale Hochschule) – von Besonderheiten des Berufsfelds, der Berufungsvoraussetzungen und der Berufungsverfahren bis zu persönlichen Bewerbungstipps 
  • Fragen und Diskussionen im Plenum
  • Bei Interesse an individueller Beratung: Verlängerung nach Bedarf (bis max. 13:30 Uhr), für Gespräche in Kleingruppen oder mit Einzelnen


11:30 - 12:30 ​The European Research Council: Characteristics and Success Factors

Workshop with Elisabeth Baier
Target Group: Early Postdoc Phase, Advanced Postdoc Phase, Junior Professors
Workshop Language: English
Date: 18.09.2024, 11:30 - 12:30 via Zoom​

In this workshop, we will focus on the main factors for a​ competitive application, based on the evaluation criteria, their meaning, and their consideration in the different parts of the application. 


13:30 - 14:30 Roundtable Wissenschaftsmanagement - Personalentwicklung und Forschungskooperation der Universität Tübingen (German)

Roundtable with Dr. Inga Bause and Dr. Elmar Hoffmann
Target Group:
Early Postdoc Phase, Advanced Postdoc Phase and Junior Professors
Workshop Language: German
Date: 18.09.2024, 13:30 - 14:30 via Zoom

Als Teil des Zertifikatsprogramms Wissenschaftsmanagement bieten die Roundtable einen Einblick in die konkreten Tätigkeiten und Aufgaben einzelner Personen die im Wissenschaftsmanagement tätig sind. Bei diesem Roundtable stellen sich Dr. Inga Bause, Leitung der Personalentwicklung an der Universität Tübingen, und Dr. Elmar Hoffmann, aus der Forschungskooperation im Dezernat II, vor. Der Roundtable richtet sich neben den Zertifikatsteilnehmenden an alle interessierten Promovierenden und Postdocs.


14:45 - 15:45 ​Habilitation Procedure in the Faculty of Medicine​

Workshop with ​Dr. Inka Montero​
Traget Group:
Early Postdoc Phase, Advanced Postdoc Phase, Junior Professors
Workshop Language: English
Date: 18.09.2024, 14:45 - 15:45 via Zoom

The event gives an introduction to the procedure of “Habilitation” at the Medical Faculty. It specifically focusses on prerequisites in research and teaching, the application procedure and the new rules published in the habilitation regulations from February 2023. Questions by the audience will be addressed.


14:45 - 15:45 ​Teaching Opportunities in the Transdisciplinary Course Program​

Workshop with Iris-Niki Nikolopoulos
Target Group: Early Postdoc Phase, Advanced Postdoc Phase, Junior Professors
Workshop Language: English
Date: 18.09.2024, 14:45 - 15:45 via Zoom

You are looking for a teaching opportunity? Are you willing to discuss the theories and methods of your subject with Bachelor students from all disciplines and demonstrate the relevance of your research for society? Would you like to meet real societal challenges with the help of your discipline and in cooperation with students and community partners?

Then the Transdisciplinary Course Program (TCP) is the right place for you!


14:45 - 15:45 Formen und Möglichkeiten der Evaluation: Was bringt das für meine Lehre? (German)

Workshop with Dr. Nicole Hermannsdörfer
Target Group: Early Postdoc Phase, Advanced Postdoc Phase and Junior Professors
Workshop Language: German
Date: 18.09.2024, 14:45 - 15:45 via Zoom

In diesem Vortrag werden verschiedene Formen und Möglichkeiten der Lehrevaluation vorgestellt und deren Nutzen für die Verbesserung der eigenen Lehrpraxis diskutiert. 


  • Was ist Lehrevaluation und warum ist sie wichtig? 
  • Welche verschiedenen Evaluationsmethoden gibt es? 
  • Wie kann ich die Ergebnisse zur Verbesserung meiner Lehre nutzen? 


From 17:00 Networking Event and Panel Discussion (In-Person Event)

Panel Discussion
Topic of the Panel Discussion: „How I got (no) money for my research“ – Experiences with grant applications
Vanue: Alte Aula, Münzgasse 30, 72070 Tübingen
Language: English
Participation is only possible with registration.

Panel Discussion from 17:00 - 18:30 and afterwards  you have the opportunity to network by food and drinks.

One of the main concerns of postdoc researchers is the question of how to get money for their research – and even their own position. Five researchers from different disciplines will share their experiences with third-party funding. Having been successful in various funding schemes, they will talk about their personal does and don’ts, but also about challenges and obstacles they have met. After the panel discussion, you have the opportunity to meet each other and the representatives of different support structures for postdocs at our university.  Food and drinks are provided.


Elisa Filevich, Hector Institute for Education Sciences and Psychology, Freigeist Grant Volkswagen Foundation
Fynn Holm, Japanese Studies, DFG Emmy-Noether-Programme
Nadia Said, Psychology, DFG Individual Research Grant
Christina Schwarz, Institute for Ophtalmic Research, ERC Starting Grant
Sebastian Wolf, Molecular Biology, DFG Heisenberg Programme

Panel-Host: Rebecca Hahn, Public Relations, University of Tübingen

If you need childcare in order to attend the event, you can apply for reimbursement of costs under certain conditions (https://uni-tuebingen.de/en/251591). You can also bring your children to the event. While we cannot offer professional childcare, we will set up a children’s corner with some toys and drawing materials. Please inform us in advance by e-mail or by using the comment field in the registration form and state the number and the age of your children.


19th September 2024

09:00 - 10:00 How to apply for DFG Individual Research Grant (Sachbeihilfe)

Workshop with Dr. Sonja Großmann and Dr. Marion Jäger
Target Group:
Early Postdoc Phase, Advanced Postdoc Phase and Junior Professors
Workshop Language: English
Date: 19.09.2024, 09:00 - 10:00 via Zoom

The DFG Individual Research Grant (in German: Sachbeihilfe) is the most popular project funding from early postdoc researchers to professors. In its flexible funding modules, you can also raise funding for your own position (Eigene Stelle). We will present the particularities of the funding scheme, inform you about do's and don'ts in writing the proposal and answer your individual questions.


09:00 - 10:00 Publishing at the University of Tübingen – Research and Teaching

Workshop with Ute Grimmel-Holzwarth, Sandra Binder, Christine Rudolf, Anja Schreiber, Judith Schmidt
Target Group:
Early Postdoc Phase, Advanced Postdoc Phase, Junior Professors
Workshop Language: English
Date: 19.09.2024, 09:00 - 10:00 via Zoom

The workshops covers the following topics:

- Tübingen University Press / Tübingen Library Publishing 
- Framework agreements and grant funds to support costs of your research 
- Open Educational Resources – Publishing in Teaching 
- Beware of Fakes – Predatory Publishing​


10:15 - 11:15 Habilitation Procedure at the Faculty of Science

Workshop with Dr. Elaine Huggenberger
Target Group
: Early Postdoc Phase, Advanced Postdoc Phase, Junior Professors
Workshop Language: English
Date: 19.09.2024, 10:15 - 11:15 via Zoom

What is the Habilitation? Do I really need a Habilitation? Is this the right academic path for me?

Details on the Habilitation Procedure at the Faculty of Science


10:15 - 11:15 Das Habilitationsverfahren an der Philosophischen Fakultät (German)

Workshop with Dr. Heike Winhart
Target Group:
Early Postdoc Phase and Advanced Postdoc Phase
Workshop Language: German
Date: 19.09.2024, 10:15 - 11:15 via Zoom

In diesem Workshop geht es um alle Bereiche rund um die Habilitation: die Qualifikationsbefristung für die Habilitation, mögliche Arten der Habilitation, die Zwischenevaluation, die Zulassung zum Habilitationsverfahren und letztendlich die einzelnen Schritte im Habilitationsverfahren, insbesondere auch um den zeitlicher Ablauf. 


10:15 - 11:15 ​Wege zu guten Lehre: Unser Angebot für Sie​ (German)

Workshop with Dipl. Päd. Mihaela Pommerning
Target Group:
Early Postdoc Phase, Advanced Postdoc Phase, Junior Professors
Workshop Langauge: German
Date: 19.09.2023, 10:15 - 11:15 via Zoom

Im Programm des Hochschuldidaktikzentrums (HDZ) BaWü setzen Sie sich mit den Bedingungen des Lehrens und Lernens auseinander. Sie erweitern systematisch Ihr didaktisch-methodisches Wissen und Können und reflektieren Ihre Kompetenzen im Bereich des Lehrens und Lernens.  


11:30 - 13:00 ​RDM: How to successfully organize and archive research data​

Workshop with ​Jennifer Esslinger, Dr. Michael Derntl, Dr. Steve Kaminski​ 
Target Group
: Early Postdoc Phase, Advanced Postdoc Phase, Junior Professors
Workshop Language: English
Date: 19.09.2024, 11:30 - 13:00 via Zoom

Research data management (RDM) is a crucial aspect of scientific work and a prerequisite for successful third-party funding applications.

Our University has established a service structure to provide comprehensive RDM support. This workshop will offer an overview of this support structure and will highlight important aspects such as using the University’s research data repository, FDAT, and crafting an effective data management plan (DMP).


11:30 - 12:30 Patents for Scientists

Workshop with Dr. Rolf Hecker
Target Group: Early Postdoc Phase, Advanced Postdoc Phase and Junior Professors
Workshop Language: English
Date: 19.09.2024, 11:30 - 12:30 via Zoom

We will discuss the value of patents for scientists and for science!

What are patents good for? How do I search for patents? How do I read and understand a patent?

What is the information value of a patent? Are patents needed for successful research?


11:30 - 12:30 Literatur Research with AI

Workshop with Miriam Lahrsow
Target Group: Early Postdoc Phase, Advanced Postdoc Phase, Junior Professors
Workshop Language: English
Date: 19.09.2024, 11:30 - 12:30 via Zoom

The talk will give you an overview of AI tools for academic literature research. We’ll discuss their different functions and features as well as the use cases and subject areas they are (not yet) suited for. We’ll also focus on further aspects (data privacy, good scientific practice, copyright etc.) that are to be considered when using these tools or when advising your students on their use. 


13:30 - 14:30 ​Innovation Grants und InnoSparks – Innovation Funding at the University of Tübingen

Workshop with Dr. Nora von Ameln
Target Group:
Early Postdoc Phase
Workshop Language: English
Date: 19.09.2024, 13:30 - 14:30 via Zoom

The Innovation Grants are a person-related funding program, which makes it possible to test the feasibility of translating research findings from the doctoral thesis into applications.

Who is eligible to apply? What conditions must a project meet? What should be included in the application? These and other questions will be discussed in the workshop and some successful projects will be presented.

The InnoSparks – the new idea challenge of the University of Tübingen

With InnoSparks we would like to bring the innovation concept at an early stage to you. Our goal is to encourage you to take ideas seriously, think them through and present them.


13:30 - 14:30 Working with Zotero: Advanced Techniques

Workshop with Dr. Markus Wust
Target Group:
Early Postdoc Phase, Advanced Postdoc Phase, Junior Professors
Workshop Language: English
Date: 19.09.2024, 13:30 - 14:30 via Zoom

This session introduces some advanced Zotero techniques for those who are already familiar with Zotero’s basic citation management functions. We will cover customizing citation styles, batch editing of collections using Zotero’s Javascript console, and integration with writing tools such as Obsidian or Overleaf, an online LaTeX editor. Please note that one could spend many hours diving into each of these topics. This workshop is meant to give you an idea of what you could do and how you could integrate Zotero further into your workflow.


13:30 - 14:30 ​From Research to Entrepreneurship: What the Startup Center has to offer

Workshop with Daniel Heblik
Target Group:
Early Postdoc Phase, Advanced Postdoc Phase, Junior Professors
Workshop Language: English
Date: 19.09.2024, 13:30 - 14:30 via Zoom

The Startup Center explains the services they offer, and they tell you about startup funding opportunities that some PhD researchers may be eligible to apply for.


14:45 - 15:45 The German Science System

Workshop with Dr. Britta Hoyer
Target Group:
Early Postdoc Phase
Workshop Language: English
Date: 19.09.2023, 14:45 - 15:45 via Zoom

This workshop offers a short overview of the science system in Germany and the research career opportunities you can find here. It will inform about different opportunities for research careers in Germany, what the pros and cons of the different types of contracts are and where you can find new career opportunities. This workshop is especially targeted at early Postdocs and people not familiar with the science system in Germany.


14:45 - 15:45 Overview of the Offers of the Graduate Academy for Postdocs and Juniorprofessors

Workshop with Dr. Marisa Köllner
Target Group:
Early Postdoc Phase, Advanced Postdoc Phase and Junior Professors
Workshop Language: Englisch
Date: 19.09.2023, 14:45 - 15:45 via Zoom

The Graduate Academy offers a multitude of workshops, certificate programs, individual consultations and coachings especially targeted towards Postdocs and Juniorprofessors. We will give an overview over the offers of the Graduate Academy and there will be room for questions and suggestions on offers you may like to see in the future.


16:00 - 17:00 ​Introduction to Science Communication​ in the Age of AI

Workshop with Salina Weber
Target Group:
Early Postdoc Phase
Workshop Language: English
Date: 19.09.2024, 16:00 - 17:00 via Zoom

Rhetorical science communication aims to convey scientific content in a clear, accessible, target-group-oriented and persuasive way. Accordingly, various rhetorical principles can be used to successfully communicate one's own science. In addition, the use of generative AI tools in science communication can be useful and helpful, but also risky. It is therefore relevant to take a closer look at the strengths and weaknesses of generative AI tools in relation to science communication


16:00 - 17:00 - ​Ihre Rechte als Autor: Urheberrechtsfragen beim Publizieren, kumulatives Publizieren, Open-Access-Publizieren, Creative-Commons-Lizenzen​ (German)

Workshop with Stefan Cravcisin
Target Group: Early Postdoc Phase, Advanced Postdoc Phase, Junior Professors
Workshop Langauge: Deutsch
Date: 19.09.2024, 16:00 - 17:00 via Zoom

Möchten Sie erfahren: Welche Rechte habe ich als Autor – und welche Rechte übertrage ich dem Verlag? Ist die Open-Access-Publikation eine Alternative für mich? Darf ich meine Artikel nach der Publikation im Rahmen einer kumulativen Arbeit zweitveröffentlichen? Was muss ich tun, um von den Ausschüttungen der VG Wort zu profitieren? Wie gehe ich mit fremden Inhalten (Zitate, Abbildungen) in meiner Arbeit um? Was muss ich bei der Verwendung von Fotos von Personen beachten? Wie kann ich die Creative-Commons-Lizenzen nutzen? Melden Sie sich für den Workshop an! 



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Postdoc Days - September 28, 2022 - Alte Aula
Thanks to all participants and staff for the successful premiere!