

With our webcasts we would like to support you in your individual career orientation and strategic career planning. The webcasts offer you the opportunity to strategically deal with the topic of career orientation and career planning at a time that suits your individual needs. We offer you 2 different topics: 


Webcast 1: How to apply for professorships

Target Group: Postdocs  

Duration: 3.25 Hours 

Format: Webcast + additional handouts 


The aim of the webcast is to provide participants with detailed information about all phases of the appointment procedure for professorships (focus Germany), and to give them concrete advice and tips fortheir applications. The webcast will first deal with the procedure and the formal aspects of the appointment process. Afterwards, all necessary application documents (especially CV, cover letter, research and teaching concept) will be discussed in detail and partly illustrated with sample materials. The third part addresses all aspects of the hearing. Participants will learn about the requirements for the application talk and the demonstration lecture. In addition, the most frequently asked questions in the interview with the selection committee will be discussed. 

Webcast 2: Professor wanted! Planning and optimizing your academic career

Target Group: Postdocs + advanced PhDs 

Duration: 2.5 Hours 

Format: Webcast + additional handouts 


The postdoc phase is crucial for the furthering of one's academic career and is split between dependent employment and academic independence. Scientists are confronted with numerous professional challenges: Developing a research profile, publishing independently, developing a teaching portfolio, planning to stay abroad, participating in scientific communication and building one's own network of colleagues and cooperation partners... When are which tasks particularly important? What has the highest priority? How important is the habilitation? What time frame is appropriate? The webcast informs you about all the important requirements (also beyond publications and third-party funding) and milestones for an academic career and gives you concrete tips and advice both on the weighting of these requirements and on strategic considerations during the postdoc phase on the way to a professorship. 

Webcast 3: Leaving Academia

Target Group: Postdocs + advanced PhDs 

Duration: 3 Hours

Format: Webcast + additional Handouts


It is not an unusual case for scientists to pursue an alternative career after completing their PhD or after a few years as a postdoc instead of choosing the traditional career path to a university professorship. Many researchers therefore consider a career outside the academic system and deal with questions such as: Am I suitable for a job outside the academic system? How do I find suitable positions? Do I have any skills and experience that make me interesting for the free market? Is there a job outside of academic research that I would really like to do? In this webcast, you will receive 1) information on the situation of doctoral graduates on the non-academic job market, 2) concrete tips on how and where you can research suitable options for you, 3) an initial exemplary overview of fields of activity for doctoral graduates outside of the university, 4) suggestions and tips on how you can identify and reflect on your own professional motivators and present the skills you have acquired in the academic system in the application process, and 5) concrete tips for your application outside of academia.

How do the webcasts work? 

All webcasts are composed of a video (password-protected stream via Vimeo) and associated materials for download via Dropbox (handout, worksheets, etc.). 

You can register using the form below. After registration you will receive an access link to the video and the materials. You can access both for a limited period of time at your own discretion. The use of the webcasts and the accompanying materials is free of charge for PhD students and postdocs of the University of Tübingen.


Dr. Dieta Kuchenbrandt is a graduate psychologist with additional training as a coach and management consultant (German Psychologists Academy). After several years as a postdoc at the University of Bielefeld and as a substitute professor at the University of Osnabrück, she is now an independent lecturer, consultant and coach, specializing in the needs of scientists. Her work focuses on academic career planning and applications for professorships and postdoc positions. 

Webcasts Registration