
Career at the Federal Foreign Office


Travelling the world, networking and actively shaping German foreign policy - a career in the Senior Foreign Service is multi-faceted and therefore also highly sought-after: every year, more than a thousand candidates apply for the multi-stage selection procedure with written and oral examinations. But even those who master the tough selection procedure are neither diplomats nor civil servants. They must first complete a one-year preparatory service with block seminars and exams in economics, history, international politics, international law and law and consular affairs. In addition, there are courses in rhetoric, personnel management and dealing with the media. Furthermore, foreign language skills are taught and study trips to political institutions around the world are undertaken. After their training, attachés can look for-ward to a varied career in which they change locations at home and abroad every two to three years and can take on a wide variety of tasks.


Diplomats are paid according to the civil servant salary level A13. Foreign allowances are added to this.

Fixed-term contract

During the one-year training period, attaché(e)s are civil servants on revocation. They are sworn in and appointed as civil servants only after passing the career examination.


The exact application modalities are described in detail on the website of the Federal Foreign Office: www.auswaertiges-amt.de/de/karriere/auswaertiges-amt/-/214598