
FH/HAW Professorship

The path to a professorship does not necessarily lead from one temporary position to the next with an uncertain outcome. A professorship at an University of Applied Sciences (FH/HAW) offers the opportunity to enter professional life and not lose sight of one's own research interests.


Fulfilling the scientific and pedagogical requirements of a professorship at a university re-quires perseverance. Usually, this phase is characterised by university security and a heavy workload that requires a high degree of multitasking. On the other hand, those who first want to gain professional experience after their doctorate do not necessarily have to say goodbye to an academic career: At technical colleges or universities of applied sciences, the focus is on the applied nature and practical orientation of research. Separate proof of academic aptitude (in the form of a junior professorship, habilitation or leadership of a junior research group) is therefore not necessary and can even be a hindrance - leaving the university is thus often a condition of employment. In addition, one should be able to prove that one has several years of professional experience relevant to the respective subject background of the professorship. In contrast to a university professorship, however, the teaching load is twice as high. One's own research work is therefore often of secondary importance and the acquisition of third-party funding is also less decisive.


Professors at a University of Applied Sciences are mostly civil servants (on probation, for a fixed term or for life), although professorships are also awarded on a salaried basis.

Fixed-term contract

Professors at a University of Applied Sciences are mostly civil servants (on probation, for a fixed term or for life), although professorships are also awarded on a salaried basis.


As a rule, the state university laws stipulate five years of professional experience, which must be characterised by a strong application of the methods and scientific findings of the subject. Not only postdoctoral positions in companies are suitable for this, but also professions in the private sector. It is also advantageous if there is proof of pedagogical aptitude, which can be acquired in the context of teaching assignments, substitute and guest professorships and also as a trainer in a company. In contrast, other qualifications, such as those required for a uni-versity career, can have a negative impact on the application. Here, applicants should be pre-pared for critical enquiries in order to give the impression that the application submitted is not merely a stopgap measure.


Professors at Universities of Applied Sciences and Higher Education are also paid according to the so-called W pay scale (https://www.hochschulverband.de/w-besoldung) and are civil serv-ants. Since the federal states decide on the basic salaries of civil servants and employees, there are sometimes serious differences here.

In addition, there are entitlements to merit pay, for example in appointment and retention negotiations. Furthermore, there is additional remuneration for special merits in teaching, re-search self-administration, promotion of young academics or further training