
Calls for Applications – Mathematics


AIMS-DFG Collaboration: Visits Programme in the Mathematical Sciences

Deadline: 15 October 2024

Call for collaboration visits to Germany and Africa by researchers in early career phases in the mathematical sciences
With this call, the African Institutes for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) support the initiation of international research collaboration between researchers from African countries and researchers at universities in Germany in the mathematical sciences. Researchers in early career phases are particularly encouraged to submit proposals.

The aim of the initiative is to familiarise and connect the wider research communities in the mathematical sciences in Africa and Germany with each other and support their internationalisation. The initiative enables participating researchers to identify joint research interests in the field of mathematical sciences and initiate specific joint project ideas.

This call is based on the DFG funding programme “Initiation of International Collaboration”. Under this programme, applicants interested in establishing collaborative scientific relations with partners abroad may apply for funding for trips abroad or guest visits, for example.
For the purpose of this call:

  • “Applicants” are researchers in the German research system who apply for funding under the AIMS-DFG Collaboration Visits Programme,
  • “Fellows” are researchers whose collaboration visits are funded under the AIMS-DFG Collaboration Visits Programme.

Two different modules are available:

  • Trips abroad to one of the six AIMS centres (in Cameroon, Ghana, Rwanda, Senegal or South Africa) undertaken by researchers in the German research system (max. three months)
  • Guest visits to Germany undertaken by researchers in early career phases from African countries (max. three months)

The focus of this programme is to facilitate collaboration visits. However, the funding of scientific workshops can be granted in exceptional cases.

Applicants from Germany visiting an AIMS centre: 

  • must be working in the German research system;
  • must fulfil the DFG eligibility requirements;
  • can apply to visit an AIMS centre themselves;
  • must submit a letter of invitation from a host researcher at an AIMS centre.

Fellows from Africa visiting a host institution in Germany:

  • can receive funding for their guest visit through an applicant in Germany;
  • must have obtained their doctorate, be on track to defend their thesis or show proof of research activity. Candidates must have published at least one scientific article in a peer-reviewed journal listed on Math-SciNet or zbMath, for example;
  • require a letter of support from an AIMS centre.

Applicants may apply either to undertake a collaboration visit to an AIMS centre themselves or for a fellow from Africa to visit the applicant’s institution.

Proposals must be submitted in English by 15 October 2024.

Proposals can only be submitted by researchers from Germany. Researchers from African countries act as collaboration partners and can receive DFG funding through their German collaboration partners.

Note that you will be asked to select the appropriate call “AIMS-DFG Collaboration Visits Programme 2025” during the proposal process.

The DFG very much welcomes proposals from researchers of all genders and sexual identities, from different ethnic, cultural, religious, ideological or social backgrounds, at different career stages and with disabilities or chronic illness. With regard to the subject-specific focus of this call, the DFG encourages female researchers in particular to submit proposals.

With the submission of the proposal the applicants and fellows involved agree that DFG shares all necessary information with AIMS after the call deadline.

There will be an information session on 26 July 2024, at 09:00 a.m. (GMT)/11:00 a.m. (CEST) for this call.
If you would like to participate, please write an e-mail to the following address: aims-dfgspam prevention@aims.edu.gh 

Complete Call:
