
If physical access is important to you

Large parts of the university are located in old buildings. Therefore, access to these buildings may be difficult (or sometimes not possible at all without help) for users with mobility impairments. Improvements are always being made in the course of building maintenance, but accessibility is still limited in many of the university's buildings.

The newer science buildings on the Morgenstelle Campus and the new buildings in the more central areas of the University are generally more accessible.

An overview of barrier-free access points in University buildings is available here.

If courses are held in rooms that are not accessible to you, please notify the lecturers in good time so that alternative rooms may be organized.

Information on barrier-free-access services in the city can be found on the webpages of the City of Tübingen and on the pages of Sozialforum Tübingen e.V.

Tools and resources

University Library services

Borrowing in the University Library Reading Room and institute libraries

Students with disabilities can receive special conditions upon presentation of their disabled ID card. Information on this can be obtained from the Loans Desk (phone: 07071 29-72579). If, in urgent cases, literature from the reference collection is needed for borrowing at home, you can contact the information desk of the General Reading Room (Allgemeiner Lesesaal) (phone 07071 29-72849).

The library system can be accessed from the University Library website via the link Bibliothekskatalog and has disabled access. Among other things, it is possible to search the library catalogue, view one's own borrowing account, and access the interlibrary loan portal.

Borrowed works must be actively renewed by the borrower in due time. The contact person at the UB is Ms. Heike Mattheis (heike.mattheisspam prevention@ub.uni-tuebingen.de).

Further information from the University Library on the topic of accessibility can be found on the web page "Barrierefreiheit".

Literature transfer

For students with visual impairments, the University Library catalog and also the SehkOn (Visually Impaired Catalog - Online - of Dortmund University Library) contain works that have been transferred into other formats.

Barrier-free room for resting and working

In the University Library Wilhelmstraße 32 (Ammerbau, level 3, room A 321), a barrier-free room for resting and working is available for students with a disability or a (chronic) illness. The room is equipped with a height-adjustable desk, an armchair with stool, and a yoga mat. It offers you the opportunity to recover, medicate, or work in a concentrated manner.

You can obtain the key to the room in the same building at the Ammerbau information desk from 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. upon presentation of your handicap ID card and your student ID card.

Students WITHOUT a handicap ID card (as well as users with a companion dog or similar) please contact the Student Counseling Service in advance. After a personal conversation during the open office hours, you can receive a certificate that entitles you to use the room, which you can then present in the library at the Ammerbau information desk.

As a general rule, the need for quiet comes first! Please discuss with your fellow students who needs the room most urgently.

Hours of use for the room A 321:
Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.

In lecture halls: Assistive listening devices

In order to provide students with hearing impairments with access and thus equal opportunities, inductive listening systems are available in some lecture halls at the University of Tübingen.

In a lecture hall, normal loudspeaker systems are often no help for hearing aid users. They distort speech and generate reverberation. Spoken words can then hardly be understood. With the type of signal transmission of induction systems or inductive listening systems, the telephone coils (T-coils) of hearing aids or cochlear implants (CI) receive the signals free of reverberation and noise and they can be amplified individually.


Overview of event rooms with inductive listening system:

Lecture halls N1-N7Morgenstelle 707071-2973390
Keplerstrasse lecture hallKeplerstrasse 207071-2973238
Festsaal ballroomGeschwister-Scholl-Platz07071-2973238
Neuphilologicum Hörsaal 37Wilhelmstr. 5007071-2974311
Großer Hörsaal der HNO/ AugenklinikElfriede-Aulhorn-Strasse 7 
Institute of Medical Virology and Epidemiology of Viral Diseases lecture hallElfriede-Aulhorn-Strasse 5 
Department of Dermatology lecture hallLiebermeisterstrasse 25 
Center of Dentistry, Oral Medicine and Maxillofacial Surgery lecture hallOsianderstrasse 2-8 
Großer Hörsaal der Medizinischen KlinikOtfried-Müller-Strasse 10 
Großer Hörsaal der CRONA-KlinikenHoppe-Seyler-Str. 3 





The event rooms are marked with the following symbol:  

Composition of the hearing system symbols T, IR, FM

How does an inductive hearing system work?

Via the microphones, the speech and music signals are not only transmitted to the loudspeakers, but also to an induction loop laid in the room. This loop consists of a special cable that is usually laid in the floor. Within this loop, hearing aid users with activated T-coil can hear well anywhere in the room. The places that are within the range of the induction loop are marked on a room plan that hangs at the entrance of the lecture hall.

What do hearing aid users need to be aware of?

The technical requirement for using inductive hearing systems in the lecture halls is a hearing aid with a T-coil (this is the case with most hearing aids) and this must also have been activated by the acoustician.

In order to use the inductive hearing system, the hearing aid user must then switch the hearing aid to the channel of the T-coil in each case. This is also possible with a remote control.

Mobile FM system for rooms without inductive listening system

The University of Tübingen lends students a mobile wireless signal transmission system (frequency modulation system, FM system for short). It is suitable for event rooms in which no inductive hearing system is installed.

The FM system consists of a transmitter with microphone and a receiver with T-coil or with hearing amplifier, and a charger. Transmitter and receiver are small and are clipped on or hung by a ribbon around the neck. The impulses from the microphone are automatically transmitted to the receiver. If the T-coil is to be used, the hearing aid must also be equipped with one, activated by the acoustician and switched on by the hearing aid user. Without background noise, students with hearing impairment can understand spoken words and make individual volume adjustments even in a noisy environment.

Possibility of borrowing a mobile frequency modulation system:

The system can be borrowed from the Student Counseling Service of the University of Tübingen. Please contact the Secretariat: zsbspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Online lecture recordings

You will find a large number of lecture recordings from various departments on the Tübingen Internet Multimedia System (timms).
Here you can listen to lectures from home at your own chosen time and at your own pace.


It is also possible to request lecture recordings that are important for you.

Parking spaces

If you regularly need a parking space in case of a physical impairment, you can apply for one through the University of Tübingen's parking administration. The University of Tübingen manages several parking spaces in the Morgenstelle area as well as in the valley area. In the valley area, a disabled person's permit with the symbol G is usually required.

For more information about parking spaces and how to apply for a parking space, please contact the parking administration.

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