
Englisch - Qualification for senior teachers at vocational schools (Bachelor of Education), second subject

Key data on study program

Faculty of Humanities

Academic Degree
Qualification for senior teachers at vocational schools (Bachelor of Education), second subject

Restricted admission

Regular duration of studies
6 semester

Is a combination subject required?

Application deadline 1st semester
Overview of application deadlines

Program start
Winter semester, Summer semester

Language of instruction

Tuition and other fees

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Requirements and application

Kann nur als zweites Hauptfach zusammen mit Sozialpädagogik/Pädagogik und allgemeinbildendes Fach – Bachelor of Education an Berufsschulen als erstem Hauptfach studiert werden und ist in dieser Kombination zulassungsfrei.

Program details

Englisch kann als allgemeinbildendes Fach mit dem Studiengang Höheres Lehramt an beruflichen Schulen mit der beruflichen Fachrichtung Sozialpädagogik/Pädagogik mit akademischer Abschlussprüfung Bachelor of Education kombiniert werden.
Der Studiengang besteht im Fach English aus einem fachwissenschaftlichen und einem fachdidaktischen Teil. Im fachwissenschaftlichen Teil des Studiums werden die Bereiche Academic English, English Linguistics, English Literature und Cultural Studies studiert. Im Bereich Academic English geht es um Fertigkeiten im Bereich der gesprochenen und geschriebenen Sprache. English Linguistics beschäftigt sich mit Sprache als System (Grammatik, Lexik) und Sprache als Mittel der Kommunikation (Pragmatik, Sozio- und Psycholinguistik, Spracherwerb, Sprachentwicklung).
Im Bereich English Literature werden literatur- und kulturgeschichtliches Wissen und die Methodik literaturwissenschaftlichen Interpretierens vermittelt. Der Bereich Cultural Studies ist stets mit den anderen Bereichen (Academic English, English Linguistics und English Literature) verzahnt.

Der fachdidaktische Teil des Studiums verbindet das fachwissenschaftliche Wissen mit den Anforderungen der Schule. Hier werden Modelle des Sprach- und Literaturunterrichts, empirische Unterrichtsforschung zum Sprach- und Literaturunterricht und Konzepte zur Diagnose und Planung des literarischen und sprachlichen Lernens vorgestellt.


Our three-year Bachelor program for future teachers of English will enable students to achieve excellence in both subject-specific and teaching-related areas of study.

We pride ourselves on offering students courses that cover a variety of topics and texts on the English language and Anglophone literatures and cultures. Our courses in Teaching English as a Foreign Language equip students with the competences needed as future teachers of English. While investigating the conditions and processes of learning and teaching, we examine current topics and new texts in order to explore the possibilities of integrating them into the classroom.

The program consists of five core areas of study:

  • Literary Studies
  • Cultural Studies
  • Linguistics
  • Academic English
  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Literary and Cultural Studies, Linguistics and Academic English are the individual areas of study in the subject-specific part of the program. The field of Academic English focuses on the skills of spoken and written language. Linguistics deals with language as a system (phonetics/phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics), language as a means of communication (pragmatics, socio- and psycholinguistics, language acquisition) and the historical development of English. In the fields of Literary and Cultural Studies, students learn to explore and analyze literary and cultural texts including modern media such as photography or film and digital media within their specific socio-historical contexts.

Our program connects subject-specific knowledge with the demands of the classroom. The field of Teaching English as a Foreign Language as the teaching part of the program presents and applies theories, models and concepts of teaching language, literature and media as well as empirical research in the field of education. The Bachelor curriculum in Teaching English as a Foreign Language encourages students to reflect upon the practical consequences of their theoretical knowledge in preparation for their obligatory school internship (Schulpraxissemester) in the Master of Education.

Hier finden Sie Informationen zu den Austauschprogrammen der Universität

Optional time abroad
You may choose to spend some time abroad as part of any study program. You should start planning it 12 to 18 months before your departure. 
Here you will find general information and advice on studying abroad. In addition, some departments have their own subject-specific services providing information on studying abroad.

After your studies

Advice and internships
The University’s Career Service assists with careers orientation and getting started in your profession. Jobs and internships can be found in the Praxisportal.

 All degree programs