
Physical Geography - Master

Key data on study program


Academic Degree

Restricted admission

Regular duration of studies
4 semester

Is a combination subject required?

Application deadline 1st semester

Application deadline for Germans and EU citizens 
Winter semester: 15.09

Application deadline for non-EU citizens
Winter semester: 15.07

Valid for all applicants with German or EU university entrance qualification.

Program start
Winter semester

Language of instruction

Tuition and other fees

Apply now

Requirements and application

Admission requirements for the Master's program are a successful degree (Bachelor's degree with at least a grade of 3.0) in geography or a related field (see requirements). Otherwise, this study program is free of admission insofar as the admission requirements are met, i.e. no application is necessary. You can enroll for this program directly for the winter semester (deadline September 15).

The prerequisite for a master's degree is a completed bachelor's degree in geography or a comparable subject, e.g. geoecology, soil science, geosciences, biology, environmental sciences, agricultural and forest sciences, hydrology, environmental management, landscape planning or in a related subject with an environmental science connection. If you are unsure, we are happy to consult you (see the homepage of the program).

The language of study and examination is German. However, individual courses may be held in English (no guarantee). Further literature is usually written in English. Therefore, knowledge of English is assumed. However, formal proof of English language skills is not required.

International applicants without a German-language university entrance qualification must prove sufficient knowledge of the German language (DSH-3 or TestDaF-4) in accordance with the university's immatriculation regulations (see also information on proof of language ability to study / DSH language test).

The program is a so-called "Mono-Master", i.e. the study is carried out in one major scientific subject. However, you have the possibility to take specific modules from other study programs at the University of Tübingen (so-called context modules) for your studies and have them accredited.

Program details

The program serves an interdisciplinary field of research that describes and investigates the interactions between the different spheres (atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, pedosphere and lithosphere). The Institute of Geography at the University of Tübingen is home to scientists and students who specialize in the analysis of spatial relationships and the relationships between humans and the environment as well as technology and nature. In the physical-geographical part, this includes the research areas of soil and geomorphology, geoecology, climate and climate change, pedometrics, digital soil modeling, soil erosion, geoecosystem analysis, geochemistry, biodiversity, geographic information systems (GIS), geoinformatics, remote sensing and machine learning.

Together with other research groups of the Faculty of Geosciences, Physical Geography offers a wide range of courses covering various aspects of this growing field of human-environment research. Modern developments in environmental research come into play: How do humans affect the Earth's atmosphere? What can be done to counteract the increasing stress on ecosystems? Where and how do extreme events occur? How do we deal with water scarcity and the protection of other resources such as soil or biodiversity? How do we deal with disaster risks?

The University of Tübingen enjoys an excellent international reputation. This also applies to the research area of geography at the Faculty Science. Your Master's program in Tübingen is characterized by

  • Practical relevance - job-relevant training with close links between theory and practice through active participation in real projects around the globe.

  • Cutting edge technology - intensive supervision in small groups and access to the latest technology and excellently equipped laboratories.

  • Research orientation - active participation in national and international research projects.

  • Academic career - personal and productive learning atmosphere for a new generation of researchers, professionals and managers.

With its broad range of subjects and its regional and international network, the University of Tübingen offers excellent opportunities for a master's degree, from which you will take a lot of valuable experience into your professional life - in terms of your career as well as your personal development. As one of the youngest cities in Germany, Tübingen is full of cosmopolitan minds with fresh ideas. Not too small, not too big, excellently connected and surrounded by the most beautiful landscape: There are probably no students who do not enjoy their time in Tübingen!

Cooperation agreements:

The lecturers of the study program have a variety of cooperations, among others with university partners in Germany and abroad, non-university research institutions, organizations of development cooperation and development policy, companies, chambers of industry and commerce, as well as with municipalities and associations. In this way, we benefit from the mutual exchange of experience, scientific-technical cooperation, the import of teaching as well as the arrangement of internships and theses.

The Master of Physical Geography, as a research-strong degree program, combines a wide range of specialization options in the field of environmental sciences, from basic research to implementation in nature conservation and environmental planning. The solution-oriented analysis and modeling of the environment and its structural elements as well as their sustainable management are central aspects of the program.

The standard duration of the Master's program is four semesters. In each semester, 30 credit points (LPs) must be achieved. The study program includes:

  • 36 LP compulsory modules
  • 42 LP elective modules (of which 18 are contextual subjects)

  • 12 LP practical internship

  • 30 LP master thesis

This demonstrates that only a comparatively small part of the study is given in the form of compulsory modules. Of the 6 elective modules offered, only 4 must be taken, 18 further credit points can be selected within the contextual subjects and key qualifications through your own personal interests, for example from the range of courses offered in geosciences, computer science, biology. Here, too, the study advisor will be happy to assist you in your search and selection.


Developing your own specialization

Due to the high degree of elective freedom in the module plan, you have the opportunity to pursue your own personal focus. On the one hand, this is possible within the framework of the elective modules, from which a certain number are taken, allowing for specialization. On the other hand, there is a comparatively large area of so-called contextual subjects in the course of study, which you can choose yourself from the large range of courses offered at the University of Tübingen (see next point). In this way, it is guaranteed that you develop a very personal profile, which is based on your interests.

The Institute of Geography regularly offers study and internship placements abroad within the framework of various exchange programs (e.g. Erasmus or interdisciplinary cooperation programs of the University of Tübingen), which are associated with scholarships of varying amounts. Currently, there are opportunities for one- to two-semester study stays at over 45 partner universities from Europe and outside Europe. Students are recommended to study at a foreign university.

The aim of studying geography at a partner university abroad is to deepen the scientific and technical content of the geography of the respective host country, to acquire intercultural competence as a key qualification (experience abroad, regional competence), and to consolidate international cooperation and personal language skills. Study abroad places are awarded through an application process (twice a year, in January / February and June / July). The credits earned abroad are recognized on the basis of the ECTS system.

Information about studying abroad / ERASMUS-Programme:


Optional time abroad
You may choose to spend some time abroad as part of any study program. You should start planning it 12 to 18 months before your departure. 
Here you will find general information and advice on studying abroad. In addition, some departments have their own subject-specific services providing information on studying abroad.

In the field of physical geography, a large number of externally funded projects are being carried out in a wide variety of regions (e.g. Tibet, South Africa, Brazil, Greenland, Swabian Alb Biosphere Reserve) and ecosystems (subtropical forest, steppes, grasslands, coasts) around the world.

Facts and figures:

In the winter semester 2023/24, a total of approximately 700 students are enrolled for geography in all degrees in the following study programs:

Geographie B.Sc. Mono-Bachelor 222
Geographie B.Sc. Nebenfach 27
Physische Geographie / Umweltgeographie M.Sc. 42
Humangeographie M.A.


Geographie B.Ed. 215
Geographie M.Ed. 101
Geographie Promotion 26

The module handbook of the M.Sc. Physical Geography describes the objectives and the structure of a study program. You will find more detailed information on the type and scope of all modules as well as their courses, requirements and examinations in the module handbook. An ideal course plan in the module handbook helps you to plan your studies. The module handbook and the examination regulations help you to understand the framework of your studies and to select the right modules/courses.

The study and examination regulations of the M.Sc. Physical Geography contain legally binding regulations for the study program. Among other things, they specify which modules of the study program must be completed and which examinations must be taken in order to successfully complete the study program. The study and examination regulations also regulate how often examinations can be repeated, which deadlines apply to the examinations of the study program and how the final grade is calculated. The examination regulations and the module handbook will help you to understand the framework of your studies and to select the right modules/courses. 

After your studies

As a student, first-class opportunities to gain experience and inspiration, network with researchers, alumni and employers, and already get your foot in the door to your dream job open up to you while you're still studying. GIS analyst, environmental officer for a large company, or would you rather work in a planning office, the private sector, or a government agency? Due to the interdisciplinary approach of this degree program, you will have a wide range of fields of activity and job market niches in which you can specifically specialize by choosing your context modules. You can find more information about the current employment of our graduates on the homepage of the program.

Advice and internships
The University’s Career Service assists with careers orientation and getting started in your profession. Jobs and internships can be found in the Praxisportal.

Graduates of the Master program have the opportunity to continue with a PhD. For further information see the website Faculty of Science - Doctoral Studies.

 All degree programs