
Rhetoric & Communication Certificate

Whether you are studying science, humanities, social or life sciences, would you like to optimize your communication skills? Would you like to master difficult conversational situations even better? Or are you simply interested in successful and result-oriented communication strategies and would like to document this interest for future employers? Then the (non-degree) Rhetoric & Communication certificate is just the right thing for you! Within the framework of this certificate, students from all faculties can acquire basic communicative skills that can be very useful to them both in their studies and in their later professional life. At the same time, you can earn credit points in the area of transversal competencies (“key qualifications”). When choosing courses, you can set individual priorities - according to your personal inclinations and interests.
Each participant receives a certificate upon completion of the events attended, which provides information about the topics covered. The Rhetoric & Communication certificate requires a total of 15 credit points, which are distributed as follows:

1. Basic knowledge (min. 9 CP)

Students learn the basics of rhetoric and communication studies (essential concepts, models, theories related to language and social sciences). The unit basic knowledge includes the seminars of Virtual Rhetoric (min. 9 CP):

Conversational skills   9 CP
Presentation skills   9 CP
Writing skills   9 CP

2. Practical and special topics (min. 6 CP)

You will learn situation- and media-specific techniques of successful communication and test their practical application (e.g. in trainings on professional conversation or conflict communication). In the Transdisciplinary Course Program (TCP), program area Transferable Skills, it is noted which courses are creditable for the certificate.
At least 6 credit points from the following courses:

*Topic-specific events are all events that focus on rhetoric (understood as goal-oriented interpersonal communication) or one of its subfields.

If the writing skills course was the only credit completed in the basic knowledge unit, at least 3 credit points must be completed in the practical and special topics unit through courses related to personal performance in front of an audience (presentation, speech, etc.).

Application of Certificate

After completing the two modules, please apply for a certificate at: ovidius.uni-tuebingen.de/ilias3/goto.php.

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